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Season 4

Division 5f

Week 1

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Julen (eXplosion C4)

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.



7 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



8 - 0

[Screenshots: A B ]

Italy eXplosion C4 vs CzechRepublic Cavaliers BLUE
6 - 0

SourceTV: tf2.clanwars.cz:27741

SteamID Screenshots: A


eXplosion C4 (6) faddi, TORMENTO, TemP, apocalisse, Julen, Xan
Cavaliers BLUE (6) veehell, A.J.Rimmer, HypyK, chozze, 4love, hynchenzo


  1. A.J.Rimmer: -cavalier- said:

    Hi folks,

    our preferred playing days are mon-wed + sun.

    Please let us know when you are available. Either you can contact us on our IRC channel #cavaliers-clan (there are both cavalier teams, so please ask for members of blue cavs – me or veehell) or by e-mail. steam etc. Or you can just reply here.


  2. veehell: -cavalier- said:

    hm double granary…damned :(

  3. apocalisse said:

    we have agrred for sunday, the 18th.

    21 CET

  4. veehell: -cavalier- said:

    confirmed, by -cavs-blue :)

  5. veehell: -cavalier- said:

    tf2.clanwars.cz:27740 (war server); tf2.clanwars.cz:27741 pw:tv (stv server)
    for password for cw ask on steam (AJrimmer or me)

    cya there.

    PS: if you’d like to test connection to serve before match, just let us know also.

  6. apocalisse said:

    gg guys

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