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Season 4

Division 4d

Week 6

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Aegis (Smart Move)



4 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]



10 - 14

[Screenshots: A ]

Luxembourg MTF.Gaming vs Italy Smart Move
3 - 3

SteamID Screenshots: A


Smart Move (6) Nyctal, AlucarD, Mannaro, Aegis, Giusepinho, Infedel
MTF.Gaming (5) pischto, FreezeR, bloodangel, kEvNx, Dut0n
Unrostered (1) L'amer


  1. pischto: MTF! - MTF said:

    What about Sunday, 22nd ?

  2. pischto: MTF! - MTF said:


  3. Nako: .#mtf said:

    we want to play thursday 26th of february

  4. Nyctal: CdC said:

    we can’t play 26th of february sorry…we propose you 2 march or later

  5. Aegis: CdC said:

    we agreed to postpone the match to next week.

  6. pischto: MTF! - MTF said:


  7. pischto: MTF! - MTF said:

    We can play Saturday/Sunday.

  8. Nyctal: CdC said:

    we can’t play in the week end at all…what about Monday/Wednesday/Thursday?

  9. pischto: MTF! - MTF said:

    We can only play Wednesday..

  10. Mumm.lu said:

    So Match agreed for next Wednesday @ 20:00 (we already have a match on Thursday)

  11. pischto: MTF! - MTF said:

    We agreed to play on Monday 9th @ 20 CET

  12. Mumm.lu said:

    Aye, this sucks, are you still interested in playing the matches in the ETF2L, we are sick of rescheduling against you :(

  13. Aegis: CdC said:

    we agreed for monday, at 21.00 cet

  14. pischto: MTF! - MTF said:

    Playing Wednesday at 21.00 CET ( for real now )

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