Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.

Season 4

Division 4d

Week 2

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.

Default Win

Turkey The Smash Project vs Russia Immortals
6 - 0


  1. LukeStarkiller said:

    Hi guys.

    Our UK located server is down for now. We are about to get a German or Uk one again. I’ll share the server information as soon as i get it.

    By the way both teams agreed to play this match at around 20:30 cet instead of 21:00.

    Gl Hf

  2. LukeStarkiller said:

    Pw: spwar

  3. Pandello said:

    our team used Wild cart, match will be resheduled.

  4. Beast said:

    Too sad you’re playing for score in the table, not for game experience…

  5. LukeStarkiller said:

    Too sad you were acting like irresponsible people. We scheduled the match a week ago, than i also told your player that we have really strict schedule. We agreed to play on today at 20:30 cet. Today your players checked our server and agreed to play on it. I also agreed your not verified player to play on this match. Please don’t blame us for your irresponsible behavior and please schedule matches carefully and find some good excuses for posponement requests.

  6. monetko: DF said:

    Yeah right… Lie more:)

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