ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 

Season 4

Division 3d

Week 7

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

European The Hampshire Heavies vs European FuSle
6 - 0


  1. g0d said:

    Let’s play next week? contact me on steam… xistanz@hotmail.com

  2. g0d said:

    or even this weekend…

  3. g0d said:

    Hello….??? Can some admin check this thread plz cause they are not really responsive..

  4. Hitoshura: -HH- said:

    Hey default date Sunday the 8th will be fine for us. Busy atm trialling some people.

  5. Hitoshura: -HH- said:

    Due to several players not being available Sunday we will be taking a wildcard.

  6. Hitoshura: -HH- said:

    How is Thursday the 12th 21:00 for you guys?

  7. g0d said:

    I’ll get back to you on that one. tomorrow might be of short notice but I’ll try to get something going then.

  8. g0d said:

    another streek of member issues :-) just wont stop… =P

    Anyhow I’m confident by the end of this week it should be solved again. seeing as ulv “our medic” leaves us and we decided to go for another demoman…. etc.. =) so bare with us :)
    i’ll talk to you tonight on steam.

  9. DirKraft: milkas said:

    lol when u play ?)

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