Nations Cup: Group Phase
Group D
Week 2
Results submitted:
by weqo (Sweden)

22 - 7
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11 - 1
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Please come online on irc or add me to steam to book our game.
Steam user: Piweqo
Hello Israel,
I’m from Team Sweden and we need to book our game. Please come online on IRC or add me to steam.
Steam account: Piweqo
If you’re unable to join IRC or add me to steam, please use the match-page.
We had a few dates that we wanted to suggest, though, those dates has passed already. Which days would suit you? We can probably work around to play you on the dates you suggest.
Admin note:
This league requires two contact ways, while you have both mail and IRC channel on your teamsheet, that channel has been empty a whole week now. We urge you to enter at least one more way to contact you OR that you are active on IRC to make the booking go more smoothly.