6v6 Season 49: Premiership Qualifiers
Round 2
Round commencing: -
Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:
Results submitted:
by Buud (Garda Panteri)
Garda Panteri
0 - 6
SteamID Screenshots: A
loobie | (6) Kidou, hexerii, Luka Enderman, kejhalb, Nati Noot, seeds |
Garda Panteri | (5) Condawg, chris, Buud, shappie, voxtec |
Unrostered | (1) yalin |
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Welcome to the 6v6 Season 49 (Winter 2025) Premiership Qualifiers Round 2!
This match will be played as a best-of-three.
Maps will be decided using the following Map Elimination System:
Team A eliminates a map
Team B eliminates a map
Team B picks a map
Team A picks a map
Team A eliminates a map
Team B eliminates a map
Team B eliminates a map
Team A eliminates a map
The remaining map is the decider map
[6:30 PM]
Nick Rivers:
ok so
i need a merc
can yalin merc? (klsz)
in place of gazy
[6:30 PM]
Nati noot:
what class
[6:30 PM]
Nick Rivers:
[6:31 PM]
Nati noot:
2.2.2. Players playing in matches casted by an org must use their real nicknames