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6v6 Season 48 (Autumn 2024): Low & Open


Week 7

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

This match has been nullified. Neither team receives any points.

Poland ZWNS vs Poland mieszanka wedlowska
0 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


mieszanka wedlowska (3) DaWid, Autism, happy
ZWNS (5) Max27, Bombob, lein, Knxs, Senko
Unrostered (4) cezZ, SomEe_one, cloud, darfan.exe


  • ZWNS [Minor] Using an unapproved merc
  • mieszanka wedlowska [Minor] Special kind of rule break (1st time) - see match comment for explanation


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Friday, 01 November 2024, 20:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. Max27: ext- - NUKE said:

    Default merc: ETF2L User Profile: Tfuj Stary
    This player played in 22 matches. Played classes: Soldier. Part of the following teams: colon3 [4v4], BGM [Highlander], SSS – Super Slodziaki Squad [6v6].

  3. Max27: ext- - NUKE said:


  4. Max27: ext- - NUKE said:

    Merc cant make it. New default merc https://etf2l.org/forum/user/144157/

  5. Autism: ㄕサ said:

    our def merc: https://etf2l.org/forum/user/138521/

  6. Max27: ext- - NUKE said:

    merc accepted

  7. corben: PISTONS said:

    polskie derby ale ja kibicuje happiemu

  8. BOHermes said:

    dooby moja tfowa zona

  9. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear teams,

    Due to “ZWNS” using an unapproved merc the match will be defaulted in favour of “mieszanka wedlowska”.

    1.3. Mercenary clause:

    Mercenaries or “Mercs” or “ringers” are defined as players who are not part of a team’s roster. Players who are listed as “unverified” on a roster also count as mercs if they were listed as such at the time an official was set to start.

    A team can use up to a maximum of 2 mercs (including default merc) per map and simultaneously, even if the opponent would allow the use of more than 2 mercs.
    A team can only use 1 default merc as per rule 1.3.3 Default Mercs.
    Otherwise, no team may use a merc at any time during a match unless the player(s) is/are granted explicit written permission to play by the opposing team.

    Merc permission grants are player-based and class-based: teams are free to choose whether a player is allowed to play for their opponents as a merc and which classes they are allowed to play. Classes deemed as “off-classes” (i.e. Pyro, Heavy, Engineer, Sniper and Spy) are allowed by default. If no specific classes are stated, a player allowed to play as a merc can play any class of their choice.

    All agreements for merc permission grants and the usage of default mercs must be logged and provided in the official match’s respective comments. Those logs must explicitly contain links to each approved merc’s ETF2L profile. Teams are advised to check if the proposed default merc is indeed eligible as per rule 1.3.3 Default Mercs.
    All mercs have to be registered on ETF2L.

    The team that requested the merc is responsible for making sure that this permission is granted. If a team wants to use any players who are not eligible to be a default merc, they must contact the opponent before the match starts.

    Breaking the rules:
    Failing to present a default merc to the opposing team will grant you a minor warning.
    A team using an unapproved merc or an unregistered player will receive a minor warning and Default Loss.

    In addition to that a minor warning has been issued to “ZWNS” for using an unapproved merc.

    For any questions please contact us in our discord https://discord.etf2l.org

  10. Max27: ext- - NUKE said:


  11. 197: TC - p9's said:


  12. eth4n: ADO - AVN said:

    For D5/Low and D6/Open specifically they cannot be more experienced than the tier the match is being played in, and they cannot be rostered in a team placed in any tier higher than that of the official match in question. Default mercs cannot be class-restricted. Experience in other leagues is also included.

  13. eth4n: ADO - AVN said:

    which rule was broken?

  14. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear teams,

    It has come to our attention that team “mieszanka wedlowska” used 3 mercs in this match which is not allowed as per the rule below.

    1.3. Mercenary clause
    Definition: Mercenaries or “Mercs” or “ringers” are defined as players who are not part of a team’s roster. Players who are listed as “unverified” on a roster also count as mercs if they were listed as such at the time an official was set to start.

    Standard: A team can use up to a maximum of 2 mercs (including default merc) per map and simultaneously, even if the opponent would allow the use of more than 2 mercs. A team can only use 1 default merc as per rule [1.3.2 Default Mercs]. Otherwise, no team may use a merc at any time during a match unless the player(s) is/are granted explicit written permission to play by the opposing team.

    Due to both teams breaking rules leading to a default loss the game results will be nullified.

    For any questions please contact us in our discord https://discord.etf2l.org

  15. Fish: YOYO - SECL said:

    aint no way

  16. Frager said:


  17. lein: ext- said:

    niestety ktos w teamie mordka ma 80 iq i jest zjebem jebanym

  18. lein: ext- said:

    tera nikt z nas nie ma playoffow dobra robota kurwa

  19. lein: ext- said:

    gj gj

  20. lein: ext- said:

    jestescie powodem dla ktorego ludzie ponizej 90 iq nie powinni robic teamow

  21. lein: ext- said:


  22. DaWid: Kratos said:


  23. lein: ext- said:

    jestescie tacy rozjebani ze to szok

  24. Rick Sanchez: SECL said:


  25. lein: ext- said:

    dzieki bogu ze wyszliscie z tego teamu

  26. lein: ext- said:

    nie robcie drugiego blagam

  27. DaWid: Kratos said:


  28. Rick Sanchez: SECL said:

    Nigerzy sa fajnie elo231

  29. Max27: ext- - NUKE said:

    niezły mid co w openie gra

  30. Max27: ext- - NUKE said:

    poćwicz bocie

  31. Rick Sanchez: SECL said:

    Jak tam twoje playoffy ? Majac 3 def winy zdołałem dojść do meczu z toba tak ze poziomowo utkaj leb

  32. Max27: ext- - NUKE said:

    ty jestes dumny ze miałes 3 def winy XDDD inaczej byscie w ogole nie zagrali z nami leszcze i jak tam wasze playoffy? i tak byscie def wina dali enemy

  33. Rick Sanchez: SECL said:

    Ważne ze ty jesteś zmadowany ja sie dobrze bawie ;)

  34. lein: ext- said:

    zara ci nawine te teczki mordo tylko cie znajde

  35. Max27: ext- - NUKE said:

    ty bocie nawet tego meczu nie zagrales specjalnie zeby miec wymowke jak przegracie XDDDD i po logach wyglada to jagby open team cie cerrował psie

  36. lein: ext- said:

    pewnie najebany w rowie lezales jak ten mecz byl zreszta tak jak zwykle

  37. Max27: ext- - NUKE said:

    real niezłą beke masz menelu idz sie znowu najebac masz pretekst do tego chociaz i tak go niepotrzebujesz zeby byc najebanym 7 dni w tygodniu XDDD
    a i ty chyba z “mida” jestes https://logs.tf/3744763#76561198324811914

  38. Rick Sanchez: SECL said:

    Woow zrobilem 187 dpm i co mam sie popłakać gościu naucz sie pisać bo widze ze jak chodziles do szkoly to nie wchodziłeś do środka piszesz jagby xDD- offi w midzie mam i wciąż od dawna nie twierdzę ze gram na tym poziomie a ty chyba upadłeś na głowę jak byłeś maly bo nie sądzę ze takie niedojebanie mózgowe da sie złapać w trakcie zycia

  39. lein: ext- said:

    chyba juz pol litra poszlo

  40. Max27: ext- - NUKE said:

    niedojebanie mózgowe XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD? stary odpierdalasz jakąś akcje byle bysmy nie mieli playoffow w openie

  41. corben: PISTONS said:

    kocham polskie community gry team fortress 2, ide ogladac foty z poland.tf i czytac dalej te komentarze

  42. SomEe_one said:

    ludzie sie splakali ze jestem low a admiro to open XD

  43. admiro.: JUMP - Kratos said:

    elo jestem open

  44. SomEe_one said:

    no skillowo i mozgowo to freshmeat

  45. admiro.: JUMP - Kratos said:

    show me ur gold medal

  46. supra: (Webmaster) - BIRD - BIRD said:

    polskie derby w 2024 nadal są pełne dymów jak prime mma

  47. Kidou: GYM said:


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