6v6 Nations Cup #10
Group B
Round 1
Round commencing: -
Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:
Results submitted:
by zambz (Norway)
SteamID Screenshots: A
France | (6) Brujman, dmoule, deli69, Cuby, mulaa, Nevo |
Norway | (6) zambz, Zeklyn, Agen, Torriss, seri, hemp |
- Map 2 (cp_gullywash_f9): First Person by zambz (31 Downloads)
- Map 1 (cp_process_f12): First Person by zambz (34 Downloads)
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Welcome to 6v6 Nations Cup #10 – Round 1!
This match will be a Best of 2.
Teams have to decide which team is team A and which team is team B. If they can’t agree, both teams must do a heavy fist-fight. The winner of a heavy fist-fight will choose whether they want to be team A or team B.
• Team A bans a map
• Team B bans a map
• Team A picks a map
• Team B picks a map
This Rounds map pool is:
– cp_process_f12
– cp_gullywash_f9
– koth_product_final
– cp_sunshine
2.2.2. Players playing in matches casted by an org must use their real nicknames