Highlander Autumn 2023
Division 5B
Week 3
Round commencing: -
Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff
Name of the team.
Help me I'm feeding
2 - 4
SteamID Screenshots: A
Name of the team. | (7) lybon, Phlogic, ObiHomie, Skrills_biker, Kebabvendor, GibZ', Exze |
Help me I'm feeding | (8) Luna Lana, Winter Personified, JARcraft, Zim, Kingorcoc, Spajro, crazykiller monty, lacurio |
Unrostered | (3) bran, Fluff3w, chocolate |
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A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
The default date is: Friday, 15 September 2023, 21:15
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.
[Yesterday, 2:11 PM]
Can we get this guy for medic like, if his internet is working on the day:
ETF2L User Profile: monty
This player played in 23 matches. Played classes: Medic, Demoman. Part of the following teams: Ringo [LAN Team].
[Yesterday, 3:07 PM]
Ey we have a monty too
Yeah sure
So Monty can’t make it
so we need a merc for our merc lmao
[6:29 PM]
That’s chill just send the etf2l when u get one
[6:29 PM]
This guy said he can play play medic, he’s a bit higher div than we are, but it’s also like… medic.
FUlly understand if it’s a no tho
ETF2L User Profile: Fluff3w
This player played in 49 matches. Played classes: Medic, Heavy. Part of the following teams: Future Momentos [2v2], Meet The Soldier [6v6], Ninjas in Paris [Highlander].
^The above was agreed on, I missed the last section.
[6:29 PM]
Yeah he’s chill
[6:30 PM]
awesome thx
[3:56 PM]
ETF2L User Profile: Grelamass
This player played in 12 matches. Played classes: Scout, Engineer, Soldier, Sniper, Heavy. Part of the following teams: Societe Des Jacobins [Highlander], reps4jesus [6v6].
This guy good?
and i forgot who we said was hosting lol
[3:58 PM]
yeah you can have that guy
[Yesterday, 11:34 PM]
Would we be able to get a med merc as ours forgot their mums bday lmao
ETF2L User Profile: chocolate
This player played in 136 matches. Played classes: Scout, Soldier, Sniper. Part of the following teams: War crimes in Prague [6v6 Fun Team], Geneva suggestion: protocol II [6v6], Hungary [National Highlander Team], THACI/VUCIC [Highlander].
He would be on med
[8:12 PM]
can we get this guy if he offclasses to spy?
ETF2L User Profile: bran
This player played in 49 matches. Played classes: Engineer, Medic, Pyro, Demoman. Part of the following teams: Geneva suggestion: protocol II [6v6], Yanking Hazard [Highlander].
[8:12 PM]
Winter Personified:
We love bran
[8:12 PM]
i’m aware it’s a long shot lol, there havent been many mercs
[8:12 PM]
Winter Personified: