Highlander Autumn 2023
Open A
Week 1
Round commencing: -
Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:
Results submitted:
by WebPuck9 (Small Skill Issue)
Generic Gamers 9
Small Skill Issue
6 - 0
Generic Gamers 9 | (7) Mimmoguy, Wokfish, Ghost, Rick Sanchez, Fish, Emierr_, frylock |
Small Skill Issue | (9) Spiccato il volo, M0081K, C00LIVAN, Envy, Midnelss, F3ro, Crim, sx, WebPuck9 |
Unrostered | (2) Tywhip, Depruu |
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[Yesterday, 6:01 PM]
Bulgus Denier:
thank you very much
sorry for the late reply, i’ve been scraping a team together
could this person play pyro/heavy for us?
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
[10:20 AM]
Bulgus Denier:
Do you guys need any mercs tonight?
This is his etf2l btw:
ETF2L User Profile: Tywhip
This player played in 47 matches. Played classes: Engineer, Medic. Part of the following teams: The Eskom Theory [6v6], afrika [6v6 Fun Team], Gibus carry [2v2], Chesterweed [Highlander], Netherlands [National Highlander Team].
[4:23 PM]
Okay, but who’s gonna host the server?
tywhip accepted as heavy merc
merc approved
are you aproving tywhip as heavy and depruu as engineer?
can depruu please play as our engy merc?
There’s no link to depruu. the rules say you have to leave a link to it.
depruu merc approved
thank you for approving, ggs
Я обязательно выиграю опен…
Dear Teams,
Please upload a valid status screenshots. You can do so here: https://etf2l.org/wp/wp-admin/index.php?page=add_screen
the person who normally delivers the screenshots wasn’t here today, i’m afraid the logs.tf stats will have to do this time.