Season 4
Division 5d
Week 3
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff
This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.

[XX] - [XX]

[XX] - [XX]
fight club united kingdom
.point Guards
0 - 0
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you able to play the thursday 29th at 2200 or 2130 ?
In Monday -> Friday its good for us at 19:00 or 20:00 CET! In the wekends its good at 19:00 CET –> 21:00 CET
could we play thursday or friday please this week will have to be 830 gmt
there is no chance of us playing any earlier than 2100cet, inf act 2130 is a better time for us. 2000cet or earlier is not possible as most of us are not home from work. Sunday 2100 is a possibility
we can play friday tomorrow at 8.30pm if thats ok
sorry cant do friday we will play saturday if thats ok with you sorry for confusion
Bazza refers to 2030gmt (not cet)
Guys you have any idea when you may be able to play this game ?
Guys, i’d like to see the results of this match. In particular: why was this not played on thee default date without notifying us? For now, i’ll enter 0-0, if you want it changed for some reason, come see an admin.
In response to email from DeNeusbeer we are unable to play matches at 1800 or 1900 gmt as there is not enough members online at such an early time due to work commitments. We have tried to make arrangements with point guard to alternative times, but as of yet have not had any response posted here.