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Highlander Spring 2023 Top Tiers

Division 1

Division 1 Semi-Finals

Round commencing: -

Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Citrus (BAD DRAGONS)



1 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]



2 - 1 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: N\A ]



2 - 3 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A ]

European Trouble Shooters vs Russia BAD DRAGONS
3 - 6

SourceTV: https://www.twitch.tv/v1km4n

SteamID Screenshots: A


Trouble Shooters (7) Denrax, vikman, KRYKИ, Fry_Friday, Doge, Kicri, fnzkie
BAD DRAGONS (8) Citrus, darkitime, lolevont, quarkyonic, Clav, WalkeR1337, Boshy [ALTFS], yucca
Unrostered (3) Rawlop, broken, dqz


  1. ETF2L Staff said:

    Welcome to the Highlander Spring 2023: Division 1 Semi-Finals!

    This match will be played as a best-of-three.

    BAD DRAGONS is the higher seed, so they may pick if they are Team A or B

    Maps will be decided using the following Map Elimination System:

    Team A bans a map
    Team B bans a map
    Team B picks a map
    Team A picks a map
    Team A bans a map
    Team B bans a map
    The remaining map is the decider

    Good luck for both teams!

  2. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Saturday, 24 June 2023, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  3. Doge said:

    Doge — Today, at 22:01
    BAD DRAGONS is the higher seed, so they may pick if they are Team A or B

    Maps will be decided using the following Map Elimination System:

    Team A bans a map
    Team B bans a map
    Team B picks a map
    Team A picks a map
    Team A bans a map
    Team B bans a map
    What team do you pick?

    Citrus — Today, at 22:05
    We want to be team B.

    Doge — Today, at 22:05
    ban product

    Citrus — Today, at 22:06
    ban upward
    pick proplant

    Doge — Today, at 22:07
    pick steel
    ban vigil

    Citrus — Today, at 22:10
    ban proot
    warmtic decider

  4. Doge said:

    Doge — Today, at 22:11
    btw can we have merc on offi?
    as scout

    Citrus — Today, at 22:13

    Doge — Today, at 22:13

  5. godblessedme. said:

    заруба местного двора

  6. ryft: MAGDONAL - GYM said:

    Friendly fire

  7. Dave_IR8: SENS said:

    Match will be casted on KritzKast

  8. nevoskan said:

    Брат на брата

  9. WiseGenie said:


  10. Spoon1337 said:

    https://www.twitch.tv/spoon1338 for live wagner situation reaction

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