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Highlander Spring 2023


Week 3

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Gunter (Secure Yourself)



1 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



1 - 0

[Screenshots: A B ]

Brazil Secure Yourself vs European No Lucks Given Forever!
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A B


No Lucks Given Forever! (7) Z.png, Royal, Cloud, SPASP-12, Ben, Solphane, PGAA
Secure Yourself (7) draky, Legatus, fluo, BeS, cinny, luke, Gunter
Unrostered (4) eron, zero, Sweet, charm


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Thursday, 01 June 2023, 20:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. Pizzi: E.T.s said:

    alerta de intruso, espiã vermelha na base, prioridade máxima, precisamos proteger a maleta!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. PGAA: 哟什 - said:

    [2:09 PM]
    Mike O’Hearn:

    [4:44 PM]
    cane bagassiere:

    [6:51 PM]
    Mike O’Hearn:
    ugh i need a merc for medic
    ETF2L User Profile: Crow
    This player played in 9 matches. Played classes: Medic, Demoman. Part of the following teams: Goofy Goobers Inc. [Highlander], TRAPHOUSEKEBAB [6v6].

    [6:52 PM]
    cane bagassiere:
    who is he
    btw we probably will need a merc too

    [6:52 PM]
    Mike O’Hearn:

    [6:52 PM]
    cane bagassiere:
    ill let you know asap

    [6:53 PM]
    Mike O’Hearn:
    is this dude fine tho

    [6:53 PM]
    cane bagassiere:

    [6:53 PM]
    Mike O’Hearn:
    i think i have to copy that

    [6:53 PM]
    cane bagassiere:
    yea we allow him no probs

  4. Gunter said:

    [6:53 PM]
    cane bagassiere:
    We need this guy for merc tho
    ETF2L User Profile: eron
    This player played in 65 matches. Played classes: Demoman. Part of the following teams: Stroking Hazard [Highlander].

    He is rostered in a div2 team but is not actually playing
    He is a low demoman

    [6:54 PM]
    Mike O’Hearn:
    what class

    [6:54 PM]
    cane bagassiere:
    Playing engi for us
    Just to fill the spot

    [6:58 PM]
    Mike O’Hearn:
    ok its fine on engi
    i accept

    [6:58 PM]
    cane bagassiere:

  5. PGAA: 哟什 - said:

    i need a scout rn
    ETF2L User Profile: Sweet
    This player played in 6 matches. Part of the following teams: yKROP eSports [Highlander], PAPA GHETTO [Highlander Fun Team].

    is this dude fine
    mine is baiting he doesnt respond

    [9:13 PM]
    cane bagassiere:
    what does he main

    [9:14 PM]
    Mike O’Hearn:
    i think sniper or scout
    will you

    [9:15 PM]
    cane bagassiere:
    just a sec we’ll wait for our last first
    wait you don’t need him anymore right?

    [9:16 PM]
    Mike O’Hearn:
    my main scout baited i dont have a sub idk really

    [9:16 PM]
    cane bagassiere:
    arent you 9
    or this russian most wanted is the sub

    [9:16 PM]
    Mike O’Hearn:
    yeah other is a sub but not scout

    [9:17 PM]
    cane bagassiere:
    you are 9
    one merc that i allowed earlier
    who is the ninth guy

    [9:17 PM]
    Mike O’Hearn:
    yeah he has to offclass

    [9:17 PM]
    cane bagassiere:
    if you are missing the scout

    [9:17 PM]
    Mike O’Hearn:
    you mean crow

    [9:18 PM]
    cane bagassiere:
    ok merc is allowed
    the scout

  6. PGAA: 哟什 - said:

    [9:17 PM]
    Mike O’Hearn:
    you mean crow

    [9:18 PM]
    cane bagassiere:
    ok merc is allowed
    the scout

    [9:19 PM]
    Mike O’Hearn:
    you mean sweet

    [9:19 PM]
    cane bagassiere:
    yeah the new one
    the scout

  7. Gunter said:

    [8:45 PM]
    cane bagassiere:
    i need a merc

    [8:45 PM]
    Mike O’Hearn:

    [8:45 PM]
    cane bagassiere:
    ETF2L User Profile: FilthyBin
    This player played in matches. Played classes: Medic. Part of the following teams: SBQRRA [Highlander].

    [8:45 PM]
    Mike O’Hearn:
    tell now
    ETF2L User Profile: FilthyBin
    This player played in matches. Played classes: Medic. Part of the following teams: SBQRRA [Highlander].


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