Highlander Spring 2023 Open
Week 2
Round commencing: -
Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff
Snoipah Alliance
5 - 1
Snoipah Alliance | (8) Risc, Neon_Tokyo, gamer, johan, Phantom_Cy, loudness so silent, Lilith, asetils |
Paradise | (10) 91, Vertix, noid, GLaDOSina, First Mouse, Poloh, Retron, JoJoDuck, kayfaval, amchee |
Unrostered | (2) otso, yoghard |
- Paradise [Minor] Special kind of rule break (1st time) - see match comment for explanation
- Snoipah Alliance [Minor] Special kind of rule break (1st time) - see match comment for explanation
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A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
The default date is: Saturday, 27 May 2023, 20:00
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.
def merc
Solly merc
Dear teams,
It came to our attention that both teams in this match used a default merc that was not eligible to be a default merc. Consdering both teams broke the rules, the results will stand as they are.
Please be aware in your next games to follow the default merc rules correctly. If you have questions about the eligibility of a default merc please contact an admin on our discord.
Dear teams,
It came to our attention that the wrong version of koth_product was used.
Due to this and in accordance with the other rule break a minor warning has been issued.
Please ensure the correct version of the map is being used in the future.