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6v6 Winter Showdown 2023


Week 1

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Chochy (puss in boots)



1 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]

Poland auwidezejen vs Cyprus puss in boots
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


puss in boots (6) Kostix, bango, Harrow, ketem, YellowG313, Chochy
auwidezejen (6) fabrykamalp, hErtz, Nady, masuj, magic, Mideus


  • puss in boots [Minor] Skill contribution rule violation - Minor


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Thursday, 02 March 2023, 20:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. bango: mzn - said:

    new date 1 Mar 2023, 20:00

  3. magic: rigcz - Kratos said:

    rok ma 6 godzin

  4. Kelesch: rigcz - Kratos said:

    i kończy się w piątek

  5. CacTus said:

    no offense, but I am not quite sure Harrrow can play in low as a late joiner.

  6. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear Teams,

    It has come to our attention that “puss in boots” broke the skill contribution rule.

    3.7. The amount of players with higher experience that can join after the Provisional Tiers are published is limited:

    A team’s active line-up may only consist of a limited amount of higher skilled players that joined after the Provisional Tiers were published. A point system is used to determine this restriction. A player will be given one point for each tier of experience higher than the division of the team the player joins. Highlander and 6v6 experience will count as equivalent between gamemodes.

    A player counts as experienced in a tier if during their last 3 active seasons they played 3 or more officials in that tier. (This also includes matches in higher tiers which will stack to the closest tier below if no more than three matches have been played in a single tier. Playoff matches count towards the number of matches played in the respective higher tier, with finishing 1st or 2nd automatically counting as the higher tier regardless of the amount of playoff games played (e.g. Division 2 playoffs count as Division 1).

    In 6v6 teams have a limit of 1 point.
    In Highlander teams have a limit of 2 points.

    Breaking the rules:
    If you go past these limits your team will be punished with:

    – For Div5/Low and Div6/Open
    1st Offense: Minor Warning
    2nd Offense: Major Warning
    3rd Offense: Default Loss
    4th Offense: Expulsion from the competition

    – For Prem, Div1-2/High and Div3-4/Mid
    1st Offense: Minor Warning
    2nd Offense: Default Loss
    3rd Offense: Expulsion from the competition

    Please contact League Admin Staff on [ETF2L’s Discord server] if you need your case to be reviewed. The lengths of inactivity will be taken into consideration when making decisions.

    Note: Cups (pre-season cups, one-day cups, nations’ cup etc.) do not count towards skill contribution.

    3.7.1. All previous experience will be taken into account in the Division 6/Open/Fresh Meat tier:

    This rule applies to the Division 6/Open/Fresh Meat tier, given that a Division 5/Low tier is currently in play.

    For players who joined a team in the lowest skill tier (i.e. Division 6/Open/Fresh Meat) after a competition’s Provisional Tiers are published, all of their previous experience in applicable competitions in any tier higher than Division 6/Open/Fresh Meat (this includes the Division 5/Low tier in 6v6) will be taken into account towards skill contribution.

    Therefore a Minor warning has been issued.

    For any questions please contact us in our discord https://discord.etf2l.org

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