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6v6 Winter Showdown 2023: Top Tiers

Division 1

Week 2

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Sebastianey (BENDTOOLS)



2 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]



3 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]

CzechRepublic BENDTOOLS vs Croatia Garda Panteri
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A B


BENDTOOLS (6) menex, saltyy, TK_, Ross, Manky, Sebastianey
Garda Panteri (6) kpn., Buud, oriano, Luka Enderman, Agen, theos
Unrostered (1) Phnx


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Thursday, 09 March 2023, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. ETF2L Staff said:

    Welcome to ETF2L 6v6 Winter Showdown 2023 Week 2!

    This match will be a Best of 2.
    Teams have to decide which team is team A and which team is team B. If they can’t agree, the winner of a heavy fist-fight will choose whether they want to be team A or team B.

    • Team A bans a map
    • Team B bans a map
    • Team B picks a map
    • Team A picks a map

    This weeks map pool is:

    • cp_snakewater_final1
    • cp_metalworks_f5_f5
    • cp_sunshine
    • koth_bagel_rc6
    • cp_gullywash_f9

  3. Manky: BARBER said:

    ajde kauboju 🤠 diži ⬆️
    el imaš možda ❓️ 50 lipa 💵 fali mi za žvaku
    molin ❓️
    za žvaku tam 👉🏿️ Janko 👨🏿‍🦲 prodaje 🛒 u trafici
    aa za žvaku ❗️ ček 🕥️ da vidin 👀 šta mi je ovo ❓️👉🏻️ , pašteta 🍞. Ma ima ti od crnje ćaća 👨🏿‍🦱 ima veze 🔌 tamo 👉🏿️ žvaka kolko te god volja 💯
    hahahaha 😂
    crnja 👨🏿‍🦱 jel ❓️, uooo 😮
    hahahahaha 😂
    eeee jes ❓️ dobro 👌🏿 ti 👆🏿️
    aj sad 🕦️ lipo faco 🤡 digni ⬆ auto 🚙 i vrat ga ↪ nazad 🔙 di je bia
    uh, neću ❌
    e ček 🛑 jel se ❓️ tek sad 🕧️ doveže 🚙 a?
    vidi 👀 mu nove cvike 😎 eno ih 👉🏿️ maloprije 🕦️ kupia 💵
    nove cvike 😎 hahah 😂 nove cvike 😎 😂
    njima 👆🏿️ je to šaljivo 😂, misle 🧠 da se zajebajemo 👌🏿 💀, zajebancija 😂 💀 to vama 👆🏿️ a ❓️
    a jel ono tamo 👉🏿️ tvoj porše 🚗, a?
    hahah 😂 jee ✅ moj porše 🚗 hehe 😂
    🔫🔫 metak metak 🔫🔫 metak metak 🔫🔫🔫 metak metak metak
    😮 jeba ti 👉🏿️👌🏿 bog ✝ mater 👩🏿
    molin ❓️ 👁👄👁 šta si reka 💬 ❓️, jeba mi 👉🏿️👌🏿 bog ✝ mater 👩🏿, jel meni bog ✝ mater👩🏿, meni bog ✝, jeba mi 👉🏿️👌🏿 bog ✝ mater 👩🏿 je li? 🔫 metak
    stani 🛑 stani 🛑 stani 🛑
    oooh 👀
    tiš se 👆🏿️ s menom 👇🏿️ zajebavat majmune 🐵 ubošću te pinjuron 🍴 u oko 👁, jes čuja 👂🏿️
    ee ✅
    vrati ↪️ ga nazad 🔙 lipo 👌🏿 i izglancaj 🧽 ga dobro 👌🏿 tako ✅
    ajmo ča ⏩️ iman ti ja 50 lipa 💵 kupit ću ti ja žvaku
    fala fala 🙏🏻
    ništa ajd 🤝

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