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Highlander Winter 2023: Open


Week 1

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

International B.K. vs European Jacobins
6 - 0

SourceTV: connect new.fakkelbrigade.eu:27170; password "lolxdwtrms"

SteamID Screenshots: A B


B.K. (9) ethereal, Lebron James, njofra, mooncaller., Sariel, Freedie, Luigixby, S0rce, argyle
Jacobins (8) Bowi, WilliamWanderlust, Temp0_, SnayS, Luma, Raylith The Derg, Lillian_01, Marce
Unrostered (2) sNk, mastr


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Tuesday, 24 January 2023, 20:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. nutbeans said:

    B.K. got this one

  3. CacTus said:

    hungolian medic has mental illness, B.K. you can drop him at least 3-4 times

  4. CacTus said:

    but he is my best friend :)

  5. skai: Atria said:

    in temp0 we trust <3

  6. Frager said:

    B.K. got this B)

  7. Temp0_ said:

    https://etf2l.org/forum/user/144921/ Was allowed and will merc pyro in our team.

  8. DuMmTm: TFTV - COGU said:

    https://twitch.tv/dummtm This match will be featured on stream

  9. Slippy: TEMU said:

    Good luck to everyone, cant wait to watch it

  10. mooncaller.: JUMP - HV said:

    https://etf2l.org/forum/user/140421/ mastr will be merc spy

  11. ethereal said:


  12. Lebron James said:


  13. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear teams,

    due to team “Societe Des Jacobins” using a permanently banned player on an alternate account as a merc, the match has been defaulted in favour of team “B.K.”.

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