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Highlander Winter 2023

Division 3

Week 5

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

Hungary Habib's Special Forces vs European Just a Rabbit
0 - 6

SourceTV: https://www.twitch.tv/mikelangeio

SteamID Screenshots: A


Just a Rabbit (8) RQ, swayze, Genuine Bear, ~Solar, Talkkari, obi, azzii, crazycalumrock
Habib's Special Forces (9) Lupe, Dantovich, Krad, spawncamper., kristof, szanitecc, NightFall, Zake, fidus
Unrostered (1) Klarra



  1. kristof: HSF said:

    we would like to play thursday 20 (feb 23)

  2. nevoskan said:

    ———————- No femboys?——————

  3. bala: TLR - HSF said:

    na johet egy kis durrantas, meg talan meg egy par robbantas is belefer

  4. crazycalumrock: Wii - JaR said:


    Default merc

  5. crazycalumrock: Wii - JaR said:

    We would like to request “spawncamper.” ‘s demos for both maps.

  6. kristof: HSF said:


  7. crazycalumrock: Wii - JaR said:

    We would like to request “Krad” ‘s demos for both maps.

  8. spawncamper. said:

    okay im sending it.

  9. Krad said:

    ggs!!!!!!! :3

  10. ethereal said:

    wtf spawn nice esp aimbot triggerbot head size increaser spy decloak sound increaser and spinbot bro… why would you do this!?

  11. kristof: HSF said:

    bots crying a lot because of “cheaters”

  12. CacTus said:

    i identify myself as a bear, canI join to just a bearsex?

  13. Funi: HSF said:

    stop sniper hate not all snipers are cheaters

  14. crazycalumrock: Wii - JaR said:

    Are you guys related to Britney Spears?

  15. kristof: HSF said:


  16. NightFall: 70/154/54 - HSF said:


  17. spawncamper. said:


  18. ETF2L Staff said:

    Team “#freehaze” has received a default loss because of a player in the team being banned for cheating.

  19. ~Solar: JaR said:

    hahaha losers

  20. azzii: gun - JaR said:

    Sucks to suck I guess…..

  21. crazycalumrock: Wii - JaR said:

    “wtf spawn nice esp aimbot triggerbot head size increaser spy decloak sound increaser and spinbot bro… why would you do this!?”

  22. obi: (Trial Admin) - - L9 said:

    called it! hahahahaha

  23. azzii: gun - JaR said:

    kristof: TLR – HSF said:

    Fri 24 Feb 2023, 00:39

    bots crying a lot because of “cheaters”

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