Highlander Season 26: Division 3 Playoffs
Grand Final
Round commencing: -
Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:
Results submitted:
by Silver (MONKEY MODE: CLASS OF '22)
Hungary4Blood GIGA VOLUME
6 - 0
SteamID Screenshots: A
MONKEY MODE: CLASS OF '22 | (9) Prosciutto, rae, buddy, Silver, Black, Aaron, Milk, Toby, BrannMolvik Norway |
Hungary4Blood GIGA VOLUME | (8) D4NIL0L, ..., Shamanoud, SIA, Temmie, Sepu, VNGE, Obi-Wan Pierogi |
Unrostered | (1) MuodyM |
- Map 1 (pl_upward_f6): First Person by BrannMolvik Norway (46 Downloads)
- Map 2 (koth_cascade): First Person by Sepu (56 Downloads)
- Map 2 (koth_cascade): First Person by D4NIL0L (37 Downloads)
- Map 1 (pl_upward_f6): First Person by D4NIL0L (39 Downloads)
- Map 1 (pl_upward_f6): First Person by D4NIL0L (28 Downloads)
- Map 2 (koth_cascade): First Person by rae (25 Downloads)
- Map 1 (pl_upward_f6): First Person by rae (20 Downloads)
- Map 1 (pl_upward_f6): First Person by rae (25 Downloads)
- Map 1 (pl_upward_f6): First Person by rae (16 Downloads)
- Map 1 (pl_upward_f6): First Person by Sepu (23 Downloads)
- Map 1 (pl_upward_f6): First Person by BrannMolvik Norway (16 Downloads)
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Welcome to the Highlander Season 26: Division 3 Playoffs Grand Final!
This match will be played as a best-of-three.
Maps will be decided using the following Map Elimination System:
Both teams need to agree on who eliminates first. If the two teams cannot agree, they need to perform a heavy fist fight. The winner of this heavy fist fight can decide if he wants to start or if the other team should.
Team A bans a map
Team B bans a map
Team B picks a map
Team A picks a map
Team B bans a map
Team A bans a map
The remaining map is the decider
Good luck for both teams!
shoutouts to the boys of monkey mode, you got this fellas
Morgan literally rooting for every team we play against :>
Chimps got dis
Upward – Cascade – Proplant decider
gl gamers
gg, we tried
come on obi score some foking goals
good luck to both teams!!
mm denied my sniper merc :(
So yesterday at lunch, I was about to eat with my friends from band when I realized that there was an empty seat at a table with some of the popular kids. I decided to take advantage of this opportunity to troll them, and perhaps befriend some of them. I sat at their table, and right as I sat down, I noticed that one of the kids (who happened to be white) was sitting above a vent. I yelled “white is sus! He’s on top of a vent!!” Everyone at the table looked up at me, but no one laughed (they probably didn’t get the reference). I decided that I would try to get them to be familiar with it, so I asked “Do to guys wanna play some Among Us???” They were all dead silent (honestly they just didn’t know how fun of a game it was). I slapped the middle of our table (to mimick the “emergency meeting” feature in Among Us), and I screamed “EMERGENCY MEETING!!!” Again, none of them laughed. One of them looked at me and said “Can you please sit somewhere else?” At this point, I realized that I had to make them laugh quickly, or I would blow my chance with them. I made the widest grin I could possibly make (Trying to mimick the “When the imposter is sus” meme) and I said “When the impoter is sus”. I then tried to make a face that resembled the “Flushed” emoji (as part of the meme). However, I don’t think any of them understood the reference. I then pulled up the among us theme song on Youtube and played it on full blast. At this point, everyone at my table was asking for me to leave, and their friend came back, who regularly sat in the chair I was sitting in. I went back to sit with my friends from band. However, I will forever remember the time I trolled ALL of the popular kids in my grade.
btw, meanwhile yall spent your valuable time studying me and the team, I was having fun at parties, bought an apartment… and oh, I also got myself a girlfriend. but you guys keep grinding, and gl in the future
how about him
ETF2L Staff
ETF2L User Profile: MuodyM
Obi-Wan Pierogi — Wczoraj o 16:14
how about my sniper
The muodyM
S1lver — Wczoraj o 16:15
oh yeah
let me ask my team
Obi-Wan Pierogi — Wczoraj o 16:15
S1lver — Wczoraj o 16:22
Alright, he can play
https://www.twitch.tv/tfcast casting
https://twitch.tv/dummtm Not Casting, i will just shittalk buddy for the entire runtime of the stream
AlesKee — Yesterday at 11:29 PM
irrlevant final is over
tomorrow is the real shit bois
ez for ray :3
zamparonie diff
https://www.twitch.tv/milk_tf worst comms imaginable pov
It’s me Buddy from High School. I’m sorry for bulling you in ETF2L. Now I’m trying to be a better person and make amends. Please accept my apology. I am on the 12 steps program and trying to recover from alcoholism since I was diagnosed with a rare disease called ligma Just kidding nerd!! I’m gonna keep slapping Veronica’s ass and driving around in my Dodge Charger. I gotta go to the gym. Good talk!
gl, should be a better viewing experience than yesterday
toby POV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bmOs-MI8Qk&ab_channel=UncleDane
aaron wins these
h4b :D
real gf
Soldier POV https://m.twitch.tv/janlord123?desktop-redirect=true
Der er et yndigt land,
det står med brede bøge
nær salten østerstrand
nær salten østerstrand.
Det bugter sig i bakke, dal,
det hedder gamle Danmark,
og det er Frejas sal,
og det er Frejas sal.
Der sad i fordums tid
de harniskklædte kæmper,
udhvilede fra strid
udhvilede fra strid.
Så drog de frem til fjenders mén,
nu hvile deres bene
bag højens bautasten,
bag højens bautasten.
Det land endnu er skønt,
thi blå sig søen bælter,
og løvet står så grønt
og løvet står så grønt.
Og ædle kvinder, skønne mø’r
og mænd og raske svende
bebo de danskes øer,
bebo de danskes øer.
Hil drot og fædreland!
Hil hver en danneborger,
som virker, hvad han kan
som virker, hvad han kan!
Vort gamle Danmark skal bestå,
så længe bøgen spejler
sin top i bølgen blå,
sin top i bølgen blå.
Vort gamle Danmark skal bestå,
så længe bøgen spejler
sin top i bølgen blå,
sin top i bølgen blå.
Dear teams MONKEY MODE: CLASS OF ’22 and HungaryForBlood,
please upload the demos of rae, BrannMolvik Norway, D4NIL0L and Sepu within 72 hours or face a penalty in accordance with the General ETF2L Rules.
You have to use the ETF2L demo upload system for archives under 100 MB, third party hoster links will be ignored.
Minor Warnings for missing demos can be removed later after talking to an admin, as long as the minor warnings of your team did not stack up to a major warning yet.
lets go milk, aaron and rae!!
Dear teams,
team “MONKEY MODE: CLASS OF ’22” has received one Minor Warning for failing to provide BrannMolvik Norway’s upward demos.
Team “HungaryForBlood” has received one Minor Warning for failing to provide Sepu’s cascade demos.
If you are able to provide the demos at a later date, please contact our admin staff on Discord in order to get the warnings removed. This is especially important if you want to avoid a player demo infraction.
Dear teams,
BrannMolvik Norway and Sepu provided the missing demos. Both warnings got removed.