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Highlander Season 26: Open Playoffs

Quarter Finals

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff



0 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]



2 - 0

[Screenshots: A B ]



2 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]

CzechRepublic OSTRAVA eSports @spadlmipesdokanalu.cz vs Russia Avangard
3 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A B


Avangard (8) headz123, Gatling, Fartsa, wxnted, Blazer, NightFall, MyAngelThePooN, HellCat'
OSTRAVA eSports @spadlmipesdokanalu.cz (9) kul, daniv, Krad, blecha, Kung-Pao, Frager, Zake, fidus, n3xt_
Unrostered (1) sunflower


  1. ETF2L Staff said:

    Welcome to the Highlander Season 26: Open Playoffs Quarter Finals!

    This match will be played as a best-of-three.

    Maps will be decided using the following Map Elimination System:

    Both teams need to agree on who eliminates first. If the two teams cannot agree, they need to perform a heavy fist fight. The winner of this heavy fist fight can decide if he wants to start or if the other team should.

    Team A bans a map
    Team B bans a map
    Team B picks a map
    Team A picks a map
    Team B bans a map
    Team A bans a map
    The remaining map is the decider

    Good luck for both teams!

  2. kul: PIG - 2MNYCHDS said:

    Product, Vigil, Warmtic

  3. kul: PIG - 2MNYCHDS said:

    def merc for enemy gamers: https://etf2l.org/forum/user/134612/

  4. Fartsa said:

    merc for the game – https://etf2l.org/forum/user/134612/

  5. SVET said:

    Вам звездец /

  6. nevoskan said:

    Выиграет только дм

  7. fanya: kz said:

    Ez for ozt

  8. Breez: PIG - E.T.s said:

    Tf2Pickup lidi budou tahat

  9. prepod said:

    ez for zorpy

  10. DuMmTm: TFTV - COGU said:

    https://twitch.tv/dummtm strem

  11. Eniere said:

    Russian cast – https://www.twitch.tv/eniere

  12. softy said:

    o bozhe

  13. desty said:


  14. sunflower: arctis said:

    gg :)

  15. magic: rigcz - Kratos said:


  16. ligtaz: DIRECTOR - treshgeng said:

    guys dont worry sunflower cant be a def merc in open

  17. Adam. said:

    cheap trick doesn’t work

  18. CacTus said:

    ofc Frager is the last

  19. desty said:

    cactus wtf??!?! u toxic

  20. Fartsa said:


  21. N3xT_: OTP said:


    If you wish to contest the default status of a merc, please contact a League Admin on ETF2L’s Discord server so they may decide whether or not the player is valid for the Default merc clause.

  22. ligtaz: DIRECTOR - treshgeng said:

    kul: yes he classifies as a DEF merc

  23. N3xT_: OTP said:

    btw boys kul is the biggest admin in the history

  24. N3xT_: OTP said:


  25. ligtaz: DIRECTOR - treshgeng said:


  26. Biron said:

    я люблю, когда волосатые мужики обмазываются маслом :)

  27. veatut said:

    ez for ozt

  28. Adam. said:

    imagine n3xt can’t win any season in open

  29. crazykiller monty: SHISZA said:


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