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6v6 Season 41 Powered by Copenhagen Games


Week 7

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

This match has been nullified. Neither team receives any points.

UnitedKingdom Not Red vs European Team Flaw
0 - 0


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Wednesday, 09 March 2022, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. B R O W N: 57 said:

    [Yesterday, 3:14 PM]
    We can’t do default date but can play at 20 cet on Thursday 10th
    And our ony time that we can play is 20 cet no earlier and no later

    [Yesterday, 3:27 PM]
    Clarence, lean eating machine:
    Sorry we can’t play thursday 20cet

  3. B R O W N: 57 said:

    I’m happy to host a server for the today’s match (got a NL one).

  4. B R O W N: 57 said:

    [7:14 PM]
    its still legal for teams to have 5v6

    [7:14 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    we can only play def time today, sorry

    [7:15 PM]
    im giving you an option to grab the people you have and get 2 mercs to play 5v6 either tomoroow or friday cause we cant today

    [7:15 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    we play today, sorry cant play those times

    [7:15 PM]
    you said you can get 3 for friday and get 2 mercs and it can be a legal game

    [7:16 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    i’ll ask my team

    [7:16 PM]

    [7:26 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    sorry only im available to play today
    only im available to play on friday I meant
    I have a server for today

    [7:48 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    I will send connect when server opens at 21

    [8:05 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    connect; password “shrigma”
    waiting for you and your team to join

    [8:17 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    waiting for you guys to join

  5. B R O W N: 57 said:

    [8:27 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    connect; password “shrigma” here is connect again
    we will waiting 4 more minutes

    [8:33 PM]
    i have already said multiple times that we are not available for def time
    i have offered thursday and friday as options
    and will allow mercs if needed

    [8:33 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    okay we are done waiting, we could not play those days

  6. Potato: Velo said:

    [Yesterday, 3:14 PM]
    We can’t do default date but can play at 20 cet on Thursday 10th
    And our ony time that we can play is 20 cet no earlier and no later

    [Yesterday, 3:26 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    Sorry we can’t play thursday 20cet

    Tuesday, March 8, 2022

    [4:12 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    Hi, just to be clear
    we’re playing tonight?

    [4:12 PM]
    no sorry

    [4:12 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    as my team can only play default time

    [4:12 PM]
    we cant tonight
    only day we can is friday if you cant do thursday

    [4:13 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    ah well we can’t play other nights this week, availability on my team is bad
    no sorry people are away friday

    [4:13 PM]
    saturday or sunday?

    [4:13 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    I believe results have to be in before saturday
    I’ll check

    [4:14 PM]
    it can be rescheduled#

    [4:14 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    results have to be in by 11th march 21:59
    so friday midnight is latest we can be done essentially
    but we can’t play thursday or friday but can play today

    [4:15 PM]
    we cant do tonight sorry
    ill grab an admin

    [4:15 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:

    [7:02 PM]
    can you guys do friday at 21 cet?

    [7:13 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    no sorry

    [7:13 PM]
    if you can get 4 you can have 2 mercs max

    [7:13 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    we can barely get 3 if im honest
    for friday
    we can only play today def time

    [7:14 PM]
    its still legal for teams to have 5v6

    [7:14 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    we can only play def time today, sorry

    [7:14 PM]
    im giving you an option to grab the people you have and get 2 mercs to play 5v6 either tomoroow or friday cause we cant today

    [7:15 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    we play today, sorry cant play those times

    [7:15 PM]
    you said you can get 3 for friday and get 2 mercs and it can be a legal game

    [7:15 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    i’ll ask my team

    [7:16 PM]

    [7:25 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    sorry only im available to play today
    only im available to play on friday I meant
    I have a server for today

    [7:48 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    I will send connect when server opens at 21

    [8:05 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    connect; password “shrigma”
    waiting for you and your team to join

    [8:17 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    waiting for you guys to join

    [8:22 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    Steam Community :: cough syrup consumer Clarence
    BRO WAKE UP Si vous me double-crosserez, je vous liquiderai I play scout now ! !

    [8:27 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    connect; password “shrigma” here is connect again
    we will waiting 4 more minutes

    [8:32 PM]
    i have already said multiple times that we are not available for def time
    i have offered thursday and friday as options
    and will allow mercs if needed

    [8:33 PM]
    cough syrup consumer Clarence:
    okay we are done waiting, we could not play those days

  7. Potato: Velo said:

    full chat logs of our conversatio, specifically stated that our team cannot play on the default date multiple times and offered to play on thursday the 10th at 20 cet or friday the 11th at 20 cet but they turned down both options. i also agreed to allow mercs and am fine playing 5v6 if needed but they still turned down my offer.

  8. B R O W N: 57 said:

    I considered the offers unreasonable as my team was unable to play those days so we stuck to default time and day.

  9. Potato: Velo said:

    I stated that the default time and date was not an option for my team as most people had plans for Wednesday. I offered the days that we were available to play which did not include Wednesday. For clarification the reason I did not respond to the messages that were sent at 8pm GMT was I was studying and I could not respond.

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