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6v6 Season 40 Top Tiers Sponsored by Mannco.store


Week 1

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by flick (The Last Resort)

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

Croatia Garda Panteri vs European The Last Resort
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


The Last Resort (6) flick, troy, deli69, Jorge, scar, iusti
Garda Panteri (6) Buud, smile, yalin, juxta, KJKUOD, Manky



  1. samii: myx - ONCE said:

    flick for a pound would u lick the shit off my hairs on my ass

  2. Jorge said:

    Prime example of why you are always getting banned samii

  3. yak: VNC said:

    CASTED BY ME AND TORRIT ON twitch.tv/yak404


  4. milkyeu: MILKY said:

    Moj je tata zločinac iz rata
    Vi se potrudite pa ga osudite
    Nema niko muda da vodi ga do suda


    Moj je tajo pol’ Bosne osvaj’o
    Vi se potrudite pa ga osudite
    Nema niko muda da vodi ga do suda


    Moj je stari opasan ustvari
    Vi se potrudite pa ga osudite
    Nema niko muda da vodi ga do suda

  5. SpacePig said:

    ajmo naši! dinamo! proljeće u europi!

  6. flick: DTR - hp said:

    connect dussel.fakkelbrigade.eu:27090; password “48613”

  7. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear teams,

    please provide the STV demos of this match.

  8. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear teams,

    team “Garda Panteri” has received a Minor Warning for not providing the STV demos of this match.

    4.3. SourceTV demos for premiership matches are mandatory

    For every match in the Premiership tier, it is mandatory to upload SourceTV demo files for all maps played.

    The responsibility to upload the files is on the team that owns the server or, if the server is owned by neither team, on the team that acquired the server.

    In case of a server technical failure backed up by evidence, the demo file does not have to be uploaded.

    Failure to upload a demo file until 72 hours have passed after an official was scheduled to start will be punished with a Minor Warning for the responsible team. Repeated offenses will be punished with a Minor Warning each. These Warnings can be removed if the associated demo files are provided before the end of the competition’s regular season (i.e. before the release of playoffs fixtures).

    The warning can be removed once the missing demos are provided. Please contact the League Admin Staff in our Discord if you have any questions:

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