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Highlander Season 25

Division 4B

Week 3

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Elysioner (FANATIC)

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.



1 - 1

[Screenshots: A B ]



0 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]

Germany Bratwurst Gang vs Latvia FANATIC
1 - 4

SteamID Screenshots: A


  1. . said:

    we will be using this person as sniper merc https://etf2l.org/forum/user/76227/

  2. Elysioner: ONCE said:

    no we won’t wtf???

  3. . said:

    yes???? elysioner more like Elyś

  4. MoreBuckets! said:


  5. Elysioner: ONCE said:


  6. qtass: gizmo - *MUMBLE said:

    gj on winning your 1st map even tho you had to def hunt and force us to play 8v9 with an eu merc ;)))

  7. piquu: MAGDONAL - arctis said:


  8. 0mger: L_? - HOUSE said:


  9. Elysioner: ONCE said:

    0mger was def merc

  10. pie said:

    HAhAHaHHaHAH imagine deny merc and still lose 8v9, pozdro

  11. 4hp said:

    i wanted to accept the merc and we deserve these comments
    but nothing like a day like this to remind me hl is a joke

  12. grubsoon: *MUMBLE said:


  13. x.: rigcz - ddd said:

    Lmao imagine losing 8v9

  14. Lil Jessica: arctis said:

    Jak sie zmienia kolor damage

  15. Benaty said:

    seems like a common thing for diesel to deny mercs kekw

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