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Highlander Nations Cup #7

Group B

Round 1

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Murpheey (Germany)



1 - 0

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1 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

Germany Germany vs Ireland Ireland
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


Ireland (9) NURWHAL, Kosuke, troy, Aaron, b33p, eskimo, Frysk, dempsey, Piney
Germany (9) denkra, res, qBowN∼, Murpheey, quintosh, Domaytoe, Zamparonie, danny, mezzo


  1. mezzo said:

    dempsey — heute um 01:40 Uhr
    yo, any idea when you wanna play nations cup games?
    I havent asked all of my players yet, but lemme know if you got any days that suit

    mezzo — heute um 01:40 Uhr
    same here
    yeah u too man

    mezzo — heute um 09:28 Uhr
    could you guys play on wed @21?

    dempsey — heute um 18:42 Uhr
    lemme ask ppl

    mezzo — heute um 21:22 Uhr
    any news?

    dempsey — heute um 21:53 Uhr
    got response from about 4 ppl right now, looks decent

    mezzo — heute um 21:57 Uhr
    ye just gotta know asap rocky because schedule deadline was yesterday already

  2. qBowN∼: op_sqd said:

    powerbottom’s going down >:3

  3. danny said:


  4. dempsey: Velo - Arti Rush said:

    30 deutsche pugs gespielt nur als spionage

  5. Wiethoofd: (Newswriter) - LvG said:

    Match will be casted on KritzKast

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