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6v6 Season 39: Top Tiers

Division 1

Week 5

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by lardox (MANDEM)



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Netherlands Club Esteban vs Portugal MANDEM
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


Club Esteban (6) bum, hugo, Crayon, z0diack, mak FP, aph
MANDEM (5) lardox, Puoskari, Blanc, shappie, haunts
Unrostered (1) auto


  1. hugo: wG said:

    Time to keep my emaculate record of always beat mulaa.

  2. hugo: wG said:

    immaculate FUCK

  3. mak FP: soon... - hp said:

    Time to keep my e̶m̶a̶c̶u̶l̶a̶t̶e̶ immaculate record of always beatING mulaa.

  4. haunts: MANDEM said:


  5. mak FP: soon... - hp said:

    Would like to play this offi on a Beiruit, Lebanon sever if possible, cheers!

  6. varnu said:

    lardox very lucky to be in same divisone as mak, lucky run out now

  7. Opti: REMOVE said:

    ayoooooo someone’s taking a shit here

  8. mak FP: soon... - hp said:


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