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I have not got your reply yet about this match and what day we are going to play this. I’m afraid that I can’t play tomorrow so we still have to find a suitable date. You said you got all week so how about friday 18:00 CET – 19:00 CET. If not friday then almost all sunday is ok for me. Let me know what is ok for you.
So when do you want to play this? I’m unavaible tuesday and wednesday but otherwise I got all week.
How about next thursday 18:00 CET – 18:30 CET. Would that be ok for you? Weekend should be ok for me too if thursday isn’t.
I have not got your reply yet about this match and what day we are going to play this. I’m afraid that I can’t play tomorrow so we still have to find a suitable date. You said you got all week so how about friday 18:00 CET – 19:00 CET. If not friday then almost all sunday is ok for me. Let me know what is ok for you.
Working ’till 2115 CET on friday, sunday sounds good though.
1800-1900 somtime on sunday is fine?
Yeap, it’s ok for me :)
See you then.
Something came up, I WO. Your win. GL HF with the rest of the cup, you’d easily raped me anyways.
Ok, thanks for the info. I was just about to ask are you ready soon. Too bad, I think we would have had a good match.
I’m sure we will meet again atleast in PCWs.
Cheers and see you later!