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Highlander Season 24


Week 4

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by rubicus (Domino's)



3 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



3 - 2 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A ]

European Domino's vs Scotland Coomer mixes
5 - 1

SourceTV: connect new.fakkelbrigade.eu:27020; password "tv"

SteamID Screenshots: A


Coomer mixes (9) pijuka, staec, Apolo, Eme, Highlander, hugee, lakatos, Wietrzu, Arentrir
Domino's (9) Refleks, Nepal, Assassin+, soaky, Anna, Zafus, MOFU, Sherlock, rubicus


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Thursday, 10 June 2021, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. soaky: pen15 said:

    we host

  3. cyrax: ADO - FaZe said:


  4. Switch said:

    Easy win for coomer mixes :D Dajesz ich wietrzu

  5. Wietrzu: AA2 - SECL said:

    Kurwa wiadomo. Lets goooo

  6. tendon: FaZe said:

    why are this noobs banned by the noobs

  7. Temmie: (Head Admin) - CHONK - JaR said:

    Ez for soaky

  8. sway: W said:

    coomer win

  9. Akio: bF said:


  10. renton: TC - p9's said:

    basically a def for coomer

  11. Fancy: MANDEM - HOUSE said:

    coomer will still win without me and cherry!!!

  12. renton: TC - p9's said:

    Well played kaylus, you deserve this mate. I always knew that fancy elf was racist for all of the 9k hours that he had as his playtime on tf2. ( notice sarcasm pls thanks )

  13. renton: TC - p9's said:

    thanks low iq etf2l admins for banning fancy elf:)) its alright etf2l staff always hated english also the game could be completely different if there was fancy elf

  14. soaky: pen15 said:

    Switch: ඞ – K? said:
    Sun 6 Jun 2021, 13:11

    Easy win for coomer mixes :D Dajesz ich wietrzu

  15. renton: TC - p9's said:

    its annoying to see these guys lose because of a player getting banned #freefancyelf

  16. rubicus said:


  17. Refleks: (Media Producer) - HIV+ - L9 said:

    Trans Rights!

  18. renton: TC - p9's said:

    the ban of fancy elf yesterday was requested by sleeper etf2l agent in dominos hl
    i have proof that will lead to their arrest
    i fear for my life
    i will request political asylum at embassy of ecuador in london in hopes of becoming julian assange of etf2l
    stay strong england

  19. MOFU said:

    Trans Rights!

  20. Highlander said:

    the ban of fancy elf yesterday was requested by sleeper etf2l agent in dominos hl
    i have proof that will lead to their arrest
    i fear for my life
    i will request political asylum at embassy of ecuador in london in hopes of becoming julian assange of etf2l
    stay strong england

  21. cyrax: ADO - FaZe said:


  22. cyrax: ADO - FaZe said:

    Would have won with my eyes closed

  23. HBFS said:

    Tbh coomer would have won with their mains. Especially with cherry, he’s known to be the best player in etf2l low HL. Watch out, Dominos, the next time you meet coomer it won’t be this easy.

  24. tendon: FaZe said:


  25. MOFU said:


  26. Akio: bF said:

    this is what happens when you’re too based

  27. Fancy: MANDEM - HOUSE said:

    this is a very unfortunate event

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