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Highlander Season 24: Top tiers

Division 2A

Week 5

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Dowel (Complete Guesswork)



0 - 3

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0 - 3

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European Complete Guesswork vs Israel Skull and Bones
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


Skull and Bones (8) ZOOM, darkitime, amp-t, Rahmed, TK_, eLs, Manky, danny
Complete Guesswork (9) Storm, Jortand, Biohazard, Sabesaroo, Elsbeth, kcr, Mlody, Dwapking, Dowel
Unrostered (1) Rentoid


  1. Elsbeth: woofwoof - COGU said:

    We’d like to propose Saturday (19.06), 21:15.

  2. buud: REMOVE - buud$cult said:

    wanna play thurs because we all go out on saturday !!

  3. buud: REMOVE - buud$cult said:

    u also might wanna accept my friend request so we can talk scheduling ^_^

  4. Dowel: ORACLE - COGU said:

    We can’t play thursday, we would prefer saturday/sunday or we could manage friday as well and the other team can’t play thursday, help

  5. Dowel: ORACLE - COGU said:

    *they can’t play any other day than thursday

  6. TK_: MILKY said:

    We could have played any day from monday onwards, but you decided to ignore us until mid wednesday

  7. TK_: MILKY said:

    Also the dreamhack cup is happening this weekend, but I assume you already knew that considering you are desperate enough to try to default hunt this

  8. danny said:

    let’s hope that you’ll convert this extra time to prepare into a great game:)

  9. Dwapking: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ - HOUSE said:

    I don’t know what went down in dm’s. But dowel definitely did not intend to default hunt. So sorry if it felt that way.

  10. Dowel: ORACLE - COGU said:

    All I said is we can’t play thursday, I wasn’t trying to default hunt, I just wanted to play on a day that both teams could be ok with and we’ve managed that.

  11. sinr: L2:7 said:

    leave the drama in open :binocular:

  12. danny said:

    what a close and exciting game

  13. Dowel: ORACLE - COGU said:

    yeah man, ggs!

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