Season 3
Division 4a
Not Scheduled
Results submitted:
by Ozzy (9 Men)

0 - 1
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0 - 2
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We are usually able to play at 21 CET.
Preferably on Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday.
(some dates may not be suitable, even if the apply to this rule)
Thursday 27th would probably be good for us, at 21h CET?
I checked with my mates and we’re all set to paly on the pronounced date.
( Thursday 27th, 21 CET )
If anything get’s in the way I’ll contact you emideatly.
I’ll enter the date once you confirmed back, or on shedule deadline.
* Wolv
Yep 27th is fine with us, 9pm CET. In terms of map picks the list available from the primary pool is:
From that list we eliminate badlands.
We eliminate ctf_turbine.
forgot to hit challenge mode -.- again: turbine
Ok, then the map we’ll pick is cp_well.
We chose gravelpit.
pw: tf2
check pings if necessary!
Server located in Germany
We have one at as well, pw = 9monly
It’s based in the UK but we’ve had plenty Europeans use it in the past with excellent pings. You’re welcome to try it out.
Since I am constantly dropping out due to Bluescreens (My RAM might be done for!) I asked Ozzy if they would allow a player from our second Squad [TWO]² to cover for me. He agreed to these terms.
[TWO]² blitzkrieg will be covering for me (0:1:15418767)
I can’t even watch the STV :(
Hope you guys have fun!
I cant even shedule the Match and therefore can’t enter the outcome!
If any League admin reads this, pls enter “27-11-08” 21CET
So Ozzy or I can enter the Scores.
Either have 9 Men enter the result (because they can, TWO can’t), or contact an admin on IRC and he’ll do it.
The match was played on 27/11 and ended 1-1 on cp_well and 0-2 on cp_gravelpit. We’ve been informed by an admin however that in playoff matches if a map ends in a draw a golden cap should be played. We weren’t aware of that at the time so we plan to play a golden cap on cp_well on Thurs 4th Dec hopefully, with a final map of cp_granary depending on the outcome.
Play the Golden Cap and possible 3rd Map tomorrow evening then please; we will have to take the result you mentioned otherwise.
Yep we’re all set to play to a final result tomorrow night, sorry this is after the original deadline, it was just a bit of a mixup and confusion with the rules.
We can make it tonight, 21:30 CET, but we will have to use Blitzkrieg (0:1:15418767) again since our usualy Medic still is without internet connection.
Well played TWO. Sorry the well screenshot doesn’t show all the players properly, we’d all pretty much left the server before anyone remembered to take a shot! I can get one from the demo once it’s been downloaded if necessary.
I did take one, but for some reason TF2 isn’t saving them anymore.. don’t ask me why.. Blitzkrieg got so, what the hell xD
I know it doesnt really matter, nut t was a 2:1 on well, since this was just the golden cap, the other match went 1:1. Just a side-remark
Anyway, GG – we’ll definately stay in touch. Real cool playing you!