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Season 38: Low Playoffs

Grand Final

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by _sNb (1nstantReaction)



1 - 2

[Screenshots: A ]



2 - 3 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A B ]

European nice fishies vs European 1nstantReaction
0 - 6

SourceTV: connect bolus.fakkelbrigade.eu:27070; password expecttogetyourgoldmedalin2027

SteamID Screenshots: A


nice fishies (6) Raven ❤, vz.02, Dahlbeck, ZYKAZ, Dwapking, lazyluk
1nstantReaction (6) pinky of Buddha, KRYKИ, AsteriX, _sNb, 1TY3, cyrax


  1. ETF2L Staff said:

    Welcome to the Season 38 Low Grand Final!

    This match will be played as a best-of-three.

    Maps will be decided using the following Map Elimination System:

    Both teams need to agree on who eliminates first. If the two teams cannot agree, they need to perform a heavy fist fight. The winner of this heavy fist fight can decide if he wants to start of if the other team should.

    Team A bans a map
    Team B bans a map
    Team B picks a map
    Team A picks a map
    Team B bans a map
    Team A bans a map
    The remaining map is the decider

    Good luck for both teams!

  2. StariyHer: 1R# - 1R# said:

    1R# DeD_AvToriTeT:
    ok we are ready
    so we team A

    Hycz In-Game Jump Minecraftia A2:

    1R# DeD_AvToriTeT:
    ban snakewater

    Hycz In-Game Jump Minecraftia A2:
    ban product
    pick sunshine

    1R# DeD_AvToriTeT:
    pick granary

    Hycz In-Game Jump Minecraftia A2:
    ban gullywash

    1R# DeD_AvToriTeT:
    ban process
    so sunshine, granary, decider is metalworks

  3. sia said:

    my 2 favourite teams in finals, ezzzz win.

  4. snarpii said:

    It’s a walk in the park for cherry

  5. Eme said:

    Go get em fishies

  6. lazyluk said:

    snarpii why are you even allowed to type when you’re banned for cheating

  7. Luna: monke - yur said:

    You got this instantreaction!!

  8. slowmotion milk: V V V said:

    fishies got this first place medal in the bag

  9. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    thanks for supporting fishies guy!!!if you want i can give you free hats for that because that was very epic!!

  10. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:

    guys* also add me for hats

  11. gatsan: BIOCHEMIST said:

    go cherry!

  12. cyrax: ADO - FaZe said:

    crazy how everyone that is saying nf will win or supporting them are bottom low
    talk when you get playoffs))))

  13. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:


  14. khamba said:

    crazy how everyone can become cancer (i see the tumours forming already) when it’s about winning a non-existence medal in team fortress 2

    2021 btw

  15. DuMmTm: TFTV - COGU said:

    This match will be streamed on TFTV, please keep tv_protect on! https://www.twitch.tv/teamfortresstv2

    2.2.2. Players playing in matches casted by an org must use their real nicknames

    All players who play in matches casted by an organization must use their current ETF2L nickname. Team tags and sponsorship additions are allowed, but the nickname should be exactly the same as on ETF2L. Each incorrect nickname will warrant a separate Minor Warning, meaning a team can receive this punishment multiple times per match.

  16. piquu: MAGDONAL - arctis said:

    ez for 1R :)

  17. lakatos said:

    Cherry go

  18. Luka Enderman: CCP said:

    ez for Cherry and sNb

  19. Black: DBLE said:

    Snb crew is the best crew in all of etf2l, win win win

  20. saltyy: L_? said:

    cherry wins these any day of the week

  21. Endrit: CCP said:

    So ez for cherry lol

  22. pie said:

    ONE-TYZ beasting on enemys!! go 1R

  23. robin said:

    cherry and the whole 1R roster has been officially endorsed by OVERFLOW.
    thank you.

  24. red: SHISZA - HV said:

    gl to both!!!

  25. snarpii said:

    ez 4 stace

  26. lazyluk said:

    wp :)

  27. Sothis: :flag_rs: - CCP said:

    never been this glad that russians won

  28. lolevont said:

    thanks for supporting fishies guys!!! That was very epic!!

  29. KRYKИ: RUS said:

    thanks for supporting fishies guys!!! That was very epic!!

  30. theos: BARBER - CCP said:


  31. _sNb said:


  32. Fry_Friday: 1R# said:

    нихуя парни дали

  33. vz.02: nf. - 9F said:


  34. 1TY3: DIRECTOR said:


  35. cyrax: ADO - FaZe said:


    hahaha nice roll!

  36. piquu: MAGDONAL - arctis said:

    congrats guys :D

  37. tendon: FaZe said:


  38. cyrax: ADO - FaZe said:


  39. cyrax: ADO - FaZe said:

    Jokes aside
    GG wp!

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