Scout 1on1 Cup
Round 2
Results submitted:
by forcenet (forcenet)

10 - 1
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10 - 5
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I am going on a holiday for a couple of days but i can play again on wednesday.
(so i can play wedn and thurs before 18.30cet or friday before 17.30cet)
wtf? 0o
gj :)
weird gameplay by forcenet especially on badlands….
anything particular you would like to point out?
i smell cheats!!!! :D
before get flamed im jk :(
skinnie is a newb :D
“anything particular you would like to point out?”
yes, you didnt miss.
Fantastic play forcenet, its reassuring to know there is some undiscovered talent in tf2.
GL in rest of the cup.
1v1 scout doesnt mean a hell of a lot… I mean, I know there are top scouts who are’nt good at 1v1 and also, dont forget the fucking random damage bullshit
thanks a lot for the comment and support Bury
“yes, you didnt miss.”
lemme apologize for that, won’t happen again
now seriously, ask yourself – would you question my performance if skinnie actually defeated me? it wouldn’t seem “weird” at all would it
well random (insanely random) dmg is rather an issue of (both) demoman’s weapons and sniper bodyshots, scattergun/shotgun damage varies just a little (around 90-110).. if you mentioned hitboxes, that’s something I would definitely not argue about, they can get weird a lot sometimes
anyway I don’t think anything of this decided outcome of the match.. there are top scouts that aren’t good in 1v1 but this isn’t skinnie’s case, I guess he wouldn’t be rank#1 in esl scout ladder then
he just wasn’t in the shape, I know (and we all do) that it wasn’t his best, by far (well neither was mine but he was quite further away from his limits than me)
Nah im not taking anything away from you… I just mean that imo 1v1 in any class with random damage doesnt mean that much. Even if it wasnt random damage there are still alot of other factors in game that you dont get to showcase in a 1v1. 1v1 may say who was the best deathmatcher on that day but thats it.
As we all know there are alot more factors to this game than simply aim! WP regardless though :)
Oh and I dont see how you can tell the difference between random damage and hitboxes? I mean, if you hit someone full in the face with scattergun then die and they have 100 hp left, how can you tell if it was the random damage or hitboxes? Maybe there is some random damage chart to show it or something but I always put it down to random damage. Sometimes you can hit someone 4 times fully and they hit you once and you die and they have almost full health… Whichever it is, random damage or hitboxes, it sucks!
yeah I see your point :)) I hope that one day you’ll see (or meet :P) me in a regular match so I can prove aiming is not all I got to show ^^ to be honest I find my aiming much less impressive or extraordinary than my scout tactics in matches.. I’d say my aim rather cripples me sometimes, it gets better every day but I don’t find it dependable enough (yet), it couldn’t be seen in this match cuz as I said it wasn’t skinnie’s day
thanks for the “WP”
hitboxes are to blame for the stuff you’re mentioning.. the damage itself is only a little random as I said, you can test in on stationary targets
” lemme apologize for that, won’t happen again
now seriously, ask yourself – would you question my performance if skinnie actually defeated me? it wouldn’t seem “weird” at all would it ”
I wont, cuz it’s immposible to beat you if you always play like i saw.
anyway, im sorry to doubt things and be a pessimist sometimes but you are in a div5 clan, seems fishy that’s all.
yeah I got it.. well half of the season I was in our A squad (div 3B) but then I realized it was pointless as the squad was quite inactive and only matches we played were weekly etf2l wars (and sometimes not even that cuz a lot of teams in our div dropped).. which of course soon resulted in a significant squad performance decrease..
since the squad’s management didn’t seem to care at all and didn’t put any effort into trying to organize the team better, I left the squad for CZetaX B squad which is my current team
If u were a cheater u would be a pretty good one, :).
But at least from wot I saw, was not very conclusive.
Wp so far..
sad skinnie is sad. so owned