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Highlander Season 23: Division 3 Playoffs

Grand Finals

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by yak (Big Monkey Industries)



3 - 2 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A B ]



2 - 0 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A B ]

TheIsleOfMan Big Monkey Industries vs Liechtenstein W e e z e r ✯ F a n c l u b
6 - 0

SourceTV: https://www.twitch.tv/dummtm

SteamID Screenshots: A


W e e z e r ✯ F a n c l u b (9) [☁]Emiel, Teatime, Five baz, Temrane, lawjr, Princess Luna, Royal Flush, TheMeerCat, lukegameage
Big Monkey Industries (9) NURWHAL, tiram, Sabesaroo, Shaddow, YYYEBOK, yak, LALO SALAMANCA, dempsey, Sebbo


  1. ETF2L Staff said:

    Welcome to the Highlander Season 23 Division 3 Grand Finals!

    This match will be played as a best-of-three.

    Maps will be decided using the following Map Elimination System:

    Both teams need to agree on who eliminates first. If the two teams cannot agree, they need to perform a heavy fist fight. The winner of this heavy fist fight can decide if he wants to start of if the other team should.

    Team A bans a map
    Team B bans a map
    Team B picks a map
    Team A picks a map
    Team B bans a map
    Team A bans a map
    The remaining map is the decider

    Good luck for both teams!

  2. yak: VNC said:

    gully vigil steel

  3. Royal Flush: A Dillion - beans said:

    Maps agreed as above- very excited for the finals.

  4. lukegameage: TC said:


  5. lawjr: cooking said:


  6. YYYEBOK: RUS said:


  7. Penguin in Poncho: KARAS said:

    Weezer’s gotta win

  8. rulliez: nya said:


  9. Klin said:

    go lerec feedmaster

  10. Don't Not Disturb: xodijkrgoi said:

    go sebbo !! go weezer (thank for trade temrane)

  11. LALO SALAMANCA: InFa - CCP said:

    | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
    Yak you have no hands

    \ (•◡•) /
    \ /
    | |
    | |

  12. saltyy: L_? said:


  13. pesky: MILKY said:

    betting my elo (1700) on weezer

  14. Hjonk: MEGA - BRIT said:

    lesgoooo tem best med west midlands?

  15. x.: rigcz - ddd said:

    Go emiel

  16. YYYEBOK: RUS said:


  17. tiram: VNC - SUCK said:


  18. croc: FAB - AoD said:

    lets go weezer gl to both teams but i love them more <3

  19. Eme said:

    go emiel

  20. Axio: SUCK said:

    unbiased match comments

  21. rulliez: nya said:

    wax where are u from

  22. Axio: SUCK said:


  23. Sabesaroo: p9's said:

    Why does no one like us

  24. DuMmTm: TFTV - COGU said:

    https://twitch.tv/dummtm Dempsey DC POV

  25. deere said:

    much funnier cast at https://twitch.tv/deere7

  26. lukegameage: TC said:

    calling all rulliez stans to watch him cast at https://twitch.tv/deere7

  27. rulliez: nya said:

    div4 loser and irl loser cast at https://twitch.tv/deere7

  28. lukegameage: TC said:

    but rulliez ur both?

  29. reem said:

    monkee gif . . funnee e. .e .e..fa monekee ,,,. win f,,..gif.

  30. Big Papa MattJ: Mq. said:

    ⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Are you winning wax

  31. dempsey: Velo - Arti Rush said:

    dummtm official stv cast

  32. LALO SALAMANCA: InFa - CCP said:

    remember you lost to this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/777225810787958796/820045152172769330/Snapchat-1933244882.jpg

  33. Royal Flush: A Dillion - beans said:

    ggs- thanks for the games, and congratulations on the win.

  34. TheMeerCat: Choke - beans said:

    GGs boys- well played & deserved, 6s time LETSGO

  35. LALO SALAMANCA: InFa - CCP said:

    GG very close games C U NEXT SEASON (not lersu)

  36. Temrane: cooking - Atria said:

    GG Gamers, was fun !!!!

  37. Sabesaroo: p9's said:

    ggs fun game gl next

  38. dempsey: Velo - Arti Rush said:

    dempsey best engie d3 yak prem demo nurwhal div1 scout sebbo cracked sabes holds W frags shaddowdude unheard hero alan hill diamond in the rough tiram rolls with 0% heals

    wax also plays

  39. NURWHAL: woofwoof said:

    dempsey best engie d3 yak prem demo nurwhal div1 scout sebbo cracked sabes holds W frags shaddowdude unheard hero alan hill diamond in the rough tiram rolls with 0% heals

    wax also plays

  40. [☁]Emiel: TEMU said:

    GG great game

  41. lukegameage: TC said:

    ggs lads

  42. YYYEBOK: RUS said:


  43. lawjr: cooking said:

    Oh-oh-oh my God, what’s happenin’ to me?
    Walkin’ down Montana, woah-oh-oh
    Same old dull routines, same Aloo Gobi
    Walkin’ down Montana, oh, oh, oh

  44. NURWHAL: woofwoof said:

    lawrj123: @catbowcarr murwhal is scottish ofc he is racist

  45. NURWHAL: woofwoof said:

    Open man, take me by the hand
    Lead me to the map that you understand
    Open man, the voyage to the bottom of the div
    Is a real trip
    Open man, the crust of a demo man imbibed by the sand
    Soaking up the thirst of the land
    Open man, can you see through the wonder of amazement
    At the Uberman
    Open man, the crust is elusive when it casts forth
    To the childlike man
    Open man, the sequence of a life form braised in the sand
    Soaking up the thirst of the land
    Open man
    Open man
    Open man
    Open man, take me by the hand
    Lead me to the map that you understand
    Open man, the voyage to the corner of the div
    Is a real trip
    Open man, the crust of a tan man imbibed by the sand
    Soaking up the thirst of the land
    Open man, can you see through the wonder of amazement
    At the Uberman
    Open man, the crust is elusive when it casts forth
    To the childlike man
    Open man, the sequence of a life form braised in the sand
    Soaking up the thirst of the land
    Open Man

  46. tiram: VNC - SUCK said:


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