Highlander Season 23: Open Playoffs
Quarter Finals
Round commencing: -
Result deadline:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff
dneprovskoe dno
The fresh pills from bel air
0 - 6
SteamID Screenshots: A B C D E
The fresh pills from bel air | (9) pijuka, staec, Fancy, hugee, Pocket, Arentrir, Sw3ny, Mircea YK, 0mger |
dneprovskoe dno | (9) xbman, DimoN_Net, Dnepr, SaSHAAA@, NoA, Phoenix, Ihor, Dobronrav, bugser |
- The fresh pills from bel air [Major] Unable to provide a requested demo (not 1st time)
- Map 2 (pl_upward): First Person by 0mger (148 Downloads)
- Map 1 (koth_warmtic_b6): First Person by 0mger (111 Downloads)
- Map 2 (pl_upward): First Person by Arentrir (102 Downloads)
- Map 2 (pl_upward): First Person by Arentrir (100 Downloads)
- Map 1 (koth_warmtic_b6): First Person by Arentrir (132 Downloads)
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Welcome to the Highlander Season 23 Open Quarter Finals!
This match will be played as a best-of-three.
Maps will be decided using the following Map Elimination System:
Team A bans a map
Team B bans a map
Team B picks 1st map
Team A picks 2nd map
dneprovskoe dno picks 3rd map
As the higher seed dneprovskoe dno can decide if they want to begin the pick/ban as “Team A” or if The fresh pills from bel air have to.
Good luck for both teams!
we ban coalplant
Baby Hugo:
we ban vigil
and we pick warmtic
we pick upward
and gully 3rd
we ban coalplant
Baby Hugo:
we ban vigil
and we pick warmtic
we pick upward
and gully 3rd
Baby Hugo:
20 cet friday
поїхали https://www.twitch.tv/anti2
easy for dneprovskoe dno
Let’s go fresh pills!
airplay wants us to lose so badly because we got his team dropped from the season :((((
????? it will be easy for dneprovskoe dno tho
airplay play in open playoffs challenge… nvm he lost already.
Ez for stace
Win for Stace and the gang tho.
Freelo for sw3ny & co.
Ez for stace
gg, we request 0mger and Arentrir demos
Airplay you good homie?
Dear etf2l admins, please take a look on heavy player. In the current game he definitely used aim hack – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLOKNn9mE8g&t=7058s
You should take appropriate measures.
Obviously this player is not from open tier.
Video is private :)
ez for me as i said
you probably need to choose one of your reasons :)
first you said, he is hacker
then you said he is not open and probably smurfing
airplay said:
Wed 3 Mar 2021, 20:02
????? it will be easy for dneprovskoe dno tho
so easy for stace wtf
so true snarpi
zao,How do i get into open playoffs if my team died?
good question airplay
Maybe don’t have cheaters on your team :D
please upload score screenshots here
NoA: pA – dneprodno said:
Yesterday, 21:48
“Dear etf2l admins, please take a look on heavy player. In the current game he definitely used aim hack – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLOKNn9mE8g&t=7058s
You should take appropriate measures.
Obviously this player is not from open tier.”
Unprivate video pls
zao, how do i know if somoene cheats when he denies it and without knowing that he cheated
Dear team The fresh pills from bel air,
please upload the demos of 0mger and Arentrir within 72 hours or face a penalty in accordance with the General ETF2L Rules.
You have to use the ETF2L demo upload system for archives under 100 MB, third party hoster links will be ignored.
Minor Warnings for missing demos can be removed later after talking to an admin, as long as the minor warnings of your team did not stack up to a major warning yet.
Dear teams,
team The fresh pills from bel air has received one Major Warning for failing to provide 0mger’s demos, since upward demo container only half of the match recorded.