Highlander Season 23
Division 4B
Week 2
Round commencing: -
Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:
Results submitted:
Europe All-Stars
0 - 6
SteamID Screenshots: A
WRONGDOG GAMING | (9) Imulion, phille ツ, moikill231, rulliez, PyroHam, sh4, Nyomo Reka, Not Steven, croc |
Europe All-Stars | (9) Kxelos, nasdo, red, Velvet~, vrox, RealmLord, Silver, PenDraGon, TSM |
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A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
The default date is: Thursday, 04 February 2021, 20:30
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.
oh shit the flares + 8
requesting demos of flares!
ez for flares
ez for sh4rpyy
why :c
I dont know :(
try not to repost dead meme challenge failed at minute 1
BIG CONTENT https://twitch.tv/dummtm
dummtm put cam on me when i go high
my wrist hurts ABORT ABORT
Too late now
put cam on me when i bomb flares (60% of the game)
60% isn’t enough
put cam on when I pootis pow FLARES
put cam on eden when he drops to FLARES!
put cam on rulliez when he stuffs me with pipes 😍
Cant wait to see my boy Moi get baited
if uo losea thes i cri muchk
if anything, moikill will be the one to bait me dicksauce
moikill231 😍
I let rulliez die so I can get more kills :P
Make me proud Moi
Gl hf, both of ya!
Good luck to both, Rulliez Beast!
laikyToday at 11:38 AM
rulliez can i merc demo in your offickoa tloognithjgt
good luck in your offickoa tloognithjgt
ok kill flares we win
https://prnt.sc/yduwbq lol
merk, that’s why no one likes you.
merk get out of here bottom open player thanks
whos this merk guy LOL
for mef
send the entire log next time, gl in your open offi.
bottom open offi
yet we absolutely rolled you, making two of ur players quit ;)
this was a team of my friends, a joke ugc team, I understand that you won’t get this since no one would friend someone like you (except that catgirl) but come on, if you wanna trashtalk me then send a log of a serious game, or atleast the entire log of that game :\
everyone here thinks that you’re a joke, why can’t you just move on and become better of a person? just once?
@merk get out of open first pls
then disconnects from server cause he gets farmed by an open sniper lmao
and i dont wanna leave open, it’s fun in open cause i can do funny shit like brass beast in games
also, for the two players quitting, being me and brs, brs left because he had a scrim with the etf2l team at 19:30
and I left at 20 as well because I had a 20 scrim too since we started a bit late. so please understand the situation before clowning like this.
sure bro is that why you raged for an entire map at an open sniper
Ah yes, merk sending part of the chat logs and still thinks that any of us are mad, certified merk moment.
I’m not gonna reply any further, it’s just gonna be a waste, gl in your open offi.
It would be a waste to explain what actually happened to someone who’s been stuck in open since 2017 (not you rulliez~~~!!1)
Lmao, merk stuck in open since 1998 and still talks LOL
Merk, get outta here plz. You’re out of your league ^_^. Friendly advice
@merk u got nothing going for u in life lol
i play in open because i can go brass beast flank heavy, why the fuck would i turn down that for being a pocket bitch?
merk u stay in open cos u would get no other offers elsewhere stop lying to urself and shut up
nah im not mad like you were yesterday ;)
you play in open because youre untalented lol sucks to be u
i play in open for brass beast flank heavy mr pesky supreme overlord scout main
My statuses:
Online: Send a message
Busy: As it says. Busy.
Away: I’m away
Offline: Tad bit obvious.
In game: I will reply but after a while maybe.
Looking to Trade: Who uses this?
Looking to Play: Who uses this too?
this is supposed to be a match page not a page where we meme merk
why are you talking then flares
ok guys i think shut up now thanks!:D
حب @rulliez
حب كثير @rulliez
can you lock a matchpage comment section … ?
Unfortunately, thats not possible
whos merk?
connect; password tv
stv connect^
red: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNlcmJLDVJ0
pesky: WARSAW said:
Today, 13:23
you play in open because youre untalented lol sucks to be u
shut up pesky dude its my time to shine dude easiest shit of my life dude
gg, good luck in rest of the season <3
gg, was fun times.
Merk truly the man that should be listened to when talking about sniper gameplay