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Highlander Season 23

Division 2A

Week 5

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Jonez (Warsaw Pact)



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]

France 0 Friends Online vs Germany Warsaw Pact
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


Warsaw Pact (9) Haiva, kanon, Fry_Friday, DastRon, Harry, Jonez, ReseF, Piney, Zamparonie
0 Friends Online (9) HartzFartz, MineBurger, Bobbert, Sanguine, Mr.Whale, Bob D, juni, Dejvi, BrannMolvik Norway


  1. BlastFM: TS said:

    ez for arbuz and Co.

  2. fraftti said:

    im banned :(

  3. ReseF: 2MNYCHDS said:

    Shout out to the etf2l admin gang for baning out teams leader! continue the good work!

  4. Kumis: DIRECTOR - kz said:

    Shout out to the etf2l admin gang for baning out teams leader! continue the good work!

  5. pesky: MILKY said:

    Shout out to the etf2l admin gang for baning our teams leader! continue the good work!

  6. Fry_Friday: 1R# said:

    Shout out to the etf2l admin gang for baning our teams leader! continue the good work!

  7. sunflower: arctis said:

    Shout out to the etf2l admin gang for baning our teams leader! continue the good work!

  8. Plutia said:

    Shout out to the etf2l admin gang for baning our teams leader! continue the good work!

  9. Harry: MAGDONAL - :Blinky: said:

    haha get banned kid

    Shout out to the etf2l admin gang for baning our teams leader! continue the good work!

  10. Mystic said:

    Shout out to the etf2l admin gang for baning out teams leader! continue the good work!

  11. Akio: bF said:

    Shout out to the etf2l admin gang for baning out teams leader! continue the good work!
    (i got forced) ;-;

  12. nasdo: ANIMA - NUKE said:

    Shout out to the etf2l admin gang for banning our teams leader! continue the good work!

  13. Mona: Snack said:

    Shout out to the etf2l admin gang for baning our teams leader! continue the good work!

  14. phille ツ said:

    Shout out to the etf2l admin gang for baning our teams leader! continue the good work!

  15. pelta said:

    Shout out to the etf2l admin gang for banning our teams leader! continue the good work!

  16. noxcho said:

    Shout out to the etf2l admin gang for banning our teams leader! continue the good work!

  17. fraftti said:

    Shout out to the etf2l admin gang for banning our teams leader! continue the good work!

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