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Season 37


Week 2

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Offside (Experience)



0 - 5

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0 - 3

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Norway gondola squad vs England Experience
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


gondola squad (6) zambz, BaRoN, theos, maalen, Monkey, BrannMolvik Norway
Experience (6) 2Pud, ubi, mespe, Haiva, Offside, kbbq


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Thursday, 29 October 2020, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. Fancy: MANDEM - HOUSE said:

    theos win offside or i break u teeth and make u bri’ish

  3. gatsan: BIOCHEMIST said:

    go gondola

  4. pesky: MILKY said:

    baron, mr greko iq and the boys got this

  5. Offside: Exp said:

    GG, Thanks for the games


    theos: GONDOLA said:
    Today, 21:53

    lowlife degenerate scum denied 4 mercs :)

    You had 6 players here
    Rakefire rage-quit second map
    You never needed a merc, you just wanted a better player.
    I don’t see a point in picking up subs if you don’t use them.

  6. Haiva: Exp - PC said:

    Imagine asking for mercs when you actually have rostered players playing. :)

  7. Monkey: ZAZU said:

    So we had zambs a demo main playing pocket soldier and our pocket soldier playing scout, there was no subs, we had 6 players to at least play decent

  8. chris_kz: kZk said:

    may god smite you and your e girl with various biblical afflictions

  9. Monkey: ZAZU said:

    Asking a merc for a main player that can’t play for personal reasons is just what mercs are for, i don’t see the point arguing for a match you never really won

  10. Offside: Exp said:

    “You never needed a merc, you just wanted a better player.”

  11. Monkey: ZAZU said:

    Our maincaller and pocket scout wasn’t here, stop making dumb assumptions for what you want to believe and what the truth is

  12. Offside: Exp said:

    It didn’t matter anyway we beat you without him before so.


  13. Offside: Exp said:

    with *

  14. zambz: MANDEM said:

    offside burger

  15. Offside: Exp said:


    koreanBBQToday at 21:08
    I feel like you have to do the macarena when you say that last line

  16. Monkey: ZAZU said:

    If you already beat us then why not accepting any merc, they couldn’t have made any difference right ?

  17. staec said:

    offside fear imagine

  18. maalen said:

    the fact that you genuinely put effort into trying to keep your imago as cool as possible on this league while everyone knows youre the incomptent chimp you are is honestly about as tragic as the fact that you have to date over etf2l to get any girl (allegedly) so they dont instantly bail because of your fish reek

    keep going offside, maybe you’ll make finals in your 100th season of mid… (:

  19. kbbq: Try. said:

    Afaik the mercs suggested would carry your team.
    Offside did not shittalk during offi, you guys did. Big time
    Sucks that it had to end with a player ragequitting after first map, felt like you could’ve won!

    He has done many things horribly wrong, but this was not one of those.

  20. maalen said:

    the fact that you defend him says enough
    i dont know how far youve looked into the mercs suggested, but i suggest you check again

  21. yak: VNC said:

    classic offside behaviour. Wouldn’t expect anything else.

    Lesson to all teams playing vs offside: treat his team as he will treat you. Deny his mercs. Make scheduling difficult. Use the rules to your advantage because he will try to do this to.

  22. Offside: Exp said:

    Joseph, You have an unhealthy obsession with me don’t you, You really can’t help yourself with your bat-shit crazy ego. The amount of times you jump into these topics and assume too many things when you don’t know what your talking about is honestly rather amusing to me and makes me pity you. You’re the prime example of a sheep but I understand being born in that part of Britain you instantly lose brain cells.

    On top of this, I denied 2 mercs above his teams skill level and because I checked the profiles of all his team they were online and I know there sub plays 24/7. Then he decided to have the bright idea to “Talk Shit”. Not his smartest hour, I have to say. Then after talking shit presents me with 2 even more unreasonable mercs.

    I see no point in allowing mercs that are better than somebodies mains, If you want good players don’t pick up shit players. The point of having subs is so you don’t have to use mercs and this is a prime example. They didn’t need the merc, they just wanted a better player.

  23. maalen said:

    lol offside teaching you about egos

  24. Monkey: ZAZU said:

    Again offside the only class we have a sub for is demo, wich means zambz and me are demo mains, just don’t be a prick and justify your thinking, we needed a merc because none of us could maincall and play pocket scout

    As for the mercs :
    https://etf2l.org/teams/31343/ —>Mid Player
    https://etf2l.org/forum/user/124232/—>Mid Player
    https://etf2l.org/forum/user/104976/—>Mid Player
    https://etf2l.org/forum/user/63505/—>Mid Player

    All of them were mid players in 6v6, except one who also played premiership highlander, but it does not make you automatically a premiership 6v6 player, as an exemple i’ll take Kaylus

  25. Offside: Exp said:

    timtum traitor, a lot higher skill than ur team same with apollo and same with the other guy not only that, you have rostered players so you don’t need mercs mong. it’s not my fault your leader didn’t communicate with me but i’m not allowing players to carry a bottom mid team k thanks :)

  26. Offside: Exp said:

    Also, learn how to main call then. Not my problem.

  27. Monkey: ZAZU said:

    We have 7 rostered players : 1 pocket scout, 1 roamer scout, 1 pocket soldier, 1 pocket scout, 1 medic and 2 demos, the roster the day of the official : 1 roamer scout, 1 pocket soldier, 1 roamer soldier, 1 medic and 2 demos, use your brain a bit, you “THINK” that they have a higher skill level when they are at the same skill level since it’s mid level not “i think they are this skill level”

  28. Offside: Exp said:

    Why would i allow a top mid player or an average mid player to merc for a low mid team? Use your brain frenchy and think about that.

  29. Monkey: ZAZU said:

    Because he’s mid ? I don’t know anymore, arguing with you is like arguing with a 10 years old, you’re just taking advantage of us because of the lack of rules about the number of mercs you can’t in wich circumstances, i don’t know what’s wrong with you, denying 4 mercs to keep your ego satisfied or play fair and let a merc scout play for us because we needed one.
    I’m done with you.

  30. Dypsilon said:

    wow Offside thats a lot of work you are putting in just to shittalk Kars xd

  31. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    Ok first of all Offside, the fact you beat them in a PCW doesn’t mean shit. There have many many occasions where my team got 5-0 5-0’d in the pcw but then won the official. Second I know you haven’t played in ETF2L for as long as me so you might not know but there is an unwritten rule that if a team asks for a merc, its okay to deny them if they play or have played in a higher division. If they have played in the same division or lower then you accept them. If a played is playing in mid, but has previously played in div 2, then its ok to deny. If they have never played above mid, then denying the merc is seen by everyone as incredibly unsportsmanlike and childish. Especially since everyone plays this game for fun and it’s not like there is real money involved here.

    Also the fact you denied the mercs is a clear sign of somebody with a losers attitude. When the enemy team asks for a merc even if he is slightly better than their main player, you should have the attitude that you are going to beat them anyway. Also you claim that the player(s) they were asking for were better than their main player, but you don’t seem to understand that TF2 is actually a team game and they have been practicing for weeks in every pcw with their main, so having a merc always throws a team off.

    What you did was incredibly poor sportsmanship, now everytime when your team needs a merc, people will deny it because of this. You are honestly your own worst enemy and you don’t seem to realize the entire community is starting to hate you.

  32. TBourdon said:


  33. toco: 2MNYCHDS said:


  34. cooney: MAFIA said:

    was a fun read, thank you

  35. Asyashi said:


  36. satan: MPREG - :Blinky: said:

    offside please dont say the n word again

  37. doug said:


  38. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - myx said:

    Wait what even happened here? I haven’t been asked to merc for this match at all

  39. haunts: MANDEM said:

    why did u guys denied me, like, i dont understand why, makes no sense, like, fuck, this, like, why?

  40. haris: FLANK said:

    i love this, this is great.

  41. profix: FLANK said:


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