Highlander Cup
Round 1
Results submitted:
by Pigi (Lama Raiders)

1 - 0
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5 - 6
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0 - 3
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Racoon - Highlander
Lama Raiders
1 - 2
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tf2.clanwars.cz:27700, password: homodej
and what about start at 20:00?
its ok
but next time read the rules pls … dont ask what the maps are (U HAVE TO KNOW IT)..
and u should know what settings are … we wanted to start at 20:00 cet but you couldnt set
ur team in time so we waited 40 MINUTES!!!!!!! Then we had to change the server because the first
server there was no password so we played with ringer public player xD… and they wasnt able to
kick him or change the password…
after one hour .. Finally our match started .. after the 2nd map they said that they dont know what
hoodoo is … but after hours fighting with their incompetence we decided to give up..
Good Luck in the next round Lama Raiders….
my apologize guys …i was in work and our organization sux without me :D
i can say just this: Lama is always lama…sry ;)
lama=lame ;) (noob team)
erm.. okay..