Highlander Season 22
Division 1
Week 2
Round commencing: -
Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:
Results submitted:
by sinr (9IX)
0 Friends Online
0 - 6
SteamID Screenshots: A
9IX | (9) JENNY, SchmitShot, redlix, Sprasty, DelT, cobz, sinr, Kaylus, Vclox_ |
0 Friends Online | (9) HartzFartz, smrk, MineBurger, Bobbert, Sanguine, Bob D, juni, Dejvi, BrannMolvik Norway |
- 9IX [Major] Unable to provide a requested demo (not 1st time)
- 9IX [Major] Unable to provide a requested demo (not 1st time)
- 9IX [Meta] Collecting 2 Major Warnings
- Map 2 (koth_coalplant_b8): First Person by Bobbert (374 Downloads)
- Map 1 (cp_gullywash_final1): First Person by Bobbert (495 Downloads)
- Map 2 (koth_coalplant_b8): First Person by Bob D (84 Downloads)
- Map 1 (cp_gullywash_final1): First Person by Bob D (35 Downloads)
- Map 2 (koth_coalplant_b8): First Person by cobz (98 Downloads)
- Map 1 (cp_gullywash_final1): First Person by cobz (68 Downloads)
- Map 2 (koth_coalplant_b8): First Person by SchmitShot (100 Downloads)
- Map 1 (cp_gullywash_final1): First Person by SchmitShot (89 Downloads)
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A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
The default date is: Thursday, 10 September 2020, 21:00
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
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The Athenaeum was a literary magazine established in 1798 by August Wilhelm and Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel. It is considered to be the founding publication of German Romanticism.
Athenäum is a German journal established in 1991 for study of romanticism and German literature. Since 2009, the journal has been peer reviewed.[1]
The Athenæum was a literary magazine published in London, England from 1828 to 1921.
The Athenaeum is the official student newspaper at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. It was founded in 1874, initially as a student literary magazine. The Athenaeum continued in its original format until the 1940s, at which point it became a more traditional newspaper.
The Acadia University Athenaeum Society, preceding the paper, was established in 1860 by a group of students. By 1895, the Society had added debating to their objective, and was thereafter alternatively known as the Athenaeum Debating Society. The 1935 Calendar states that the Athenaeum Society sponsored all inter-class, intercollegiate and other debates.
In 1874 the Athenaeum Society issued the first issue of the student publication, the Acadia Athenaeum.
The Athenaeum was predeceased by the Lyceum Society which was established in 1858 and dissolved in 1860.[1]
It has a circulation of 600 per issue to the Acadia campus and the community of Wolfville. It is available free of charge and is distributed to local businesses and many on-campus buildings.
The Daily Athenaeum is the official student newspaper at West Virginia University. Founded in 1887, the paper draws students from all disciplines to contribute original content for publication. It is editorially independent from the university, and also does not have a faculty adviser. The DA is distributed at various locations on campus, as well as around Morgantown, West Virginia, in restaurants and businesses. Content is also available online via its website. News, Sports and special features reported in the DA have regularly been picked up and covered in many national newspapers as well as network news organizations.
The DA’s offices are located at 284 Prospect Street, across the street from Arnold Hall on the Downtown campus. The DA publishes two days a week, Monday and Thursday, throughout the school year, as well updating content every day online. The primary sections of the paper are news, opinion, culture and sports.
O Ateneu (English: The Athenaeum[1]) is a novel written by the Brazilian author Raul Pompéia in 1888, which is considered one of the most prominent examples of Brazilian Naturalism, Impressionism and Realism[2]. The book narrates, in the first person, the story of Sérgio, an eleven-year-old boy who is sent to a well-respected all-male boarding school—known as the Ateneu, hence the book’s title—by his father. The Ateneu has very strict rules imposed by its headmaster—Aristarco—which cause a general sense of riot amongst the students; homosexuality is common amongst most students, which is partially explained due to the presence of just one woman in the school—the nurse and wife of Aristarco, Dona Ema—and the lack of contact with the external world.
Atheneum Books was a New York City publishing house established in 1959 by Alfred A. Knopf, Jr., Simon Michael Bessie and Hiram Haydn. Simon & Schuster has owned Atheneum properties since its acquisition of Macmillan in 1994 and it created Atheneum Books for Young Readers as an imprint for children’s books in the 2000s.
The Athenæum Press Building is an historic building located at 215 First Street in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It occupies the entire block between First Street, Second Street, Athenaeum Street, and Linskey Way (formerly Munroe Street). Topped by a statue of Athena, it is visible from the Charles River and Longfellow Bridge.
When I saw 9 comments on this match, I expected some drama. All I found is Hartz copy pasta. :/
That was just the first section of the wiki page
ok boomer
The Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum hosts more than one hundred dinner and lecture events with speakers representing a range of disciplines and ideological perspectives each year, serving as the college’s central intellectual and social hub. The Athenaeum hosts speakers four nights a week,[73] and also serves daily afternoon tea in its library, featuring chocolate-covered strawberries and pastries. Afternoon tea is free to students, faculty and staff. The Athenaeum has hosted such speakers as former President Bill Clinton, Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, authors Gore Vidal and Salman Rushdie, cybernetics expert Kevin Warwick, former Attorney General Janet Reno, filmmaker Spike Lee, environmentalist Robert F. Kennedy Jr., former Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Barak, The New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, U2 frontman and activist Bono, CNN journalist Anderson Cooper, former Deputy White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove, former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, Harvard Professor Danielle Allen, former Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, retired U.S. Army General Stanley A. McChrystal and former governor of Massachusetts and 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
ok boomer,
The Athenaeum is a private members club in Liverpool, England. The club was founded to ensure the up-to-date provision of newspapers and pamphlets, and to create a library for the use of the merchants and professional men in the city. The original building was demolished, and replaced by a new building nearby, in 1924. The members of the club are known as Proprietors, because they subscribe to a share, and they include both men and women. The building contains a large library, and it is also used by the Proprietors for social functions. It can be hired for use by outside individuals and organisations.
We request demos of SchmitShot and cobz
can you end server idiot so i can download the stv and watch who didnt record in your team
hop hop hop hop hop hop la venga la vanga
we don’t request anyone’s demo because there’s no way any of you were cheating lmao
my first time upldoading ohlala :D
we request demo of bobbert and bob d
imagine getting mad at a simple demo request LOL
Dear teams “Athenaeum” and “0 Boomers Online”,
please upload the demos of Bobbert, as well as SchmitShot’s and cobz’s complete POV demo recordings of the first Coalplant round within 72 hours or face a penalty in accordance with the General ETF2L Rules.
You have to use the ETF2L demo upload system for archives under 100 MB, third party hoster links will be ignored. Please notify an admin if your archive exceeds 100 MB.
Minor Warnings for missing demos can be removed later after talking to an admin, as long as the Minor Warnings of your team did not stack up to a Major Warning yet.
Team “Athenaeum” receives two Major Warnings for failing to submit cobz’s and SchmitShot’s complete demo recordings of Coalplant. Additionally, the team will receive a Meta Warning for collecting two Major Warnings.
If you provide these demos at a later date, contact the Admin Staff on Discord in order to get the warnings removed.