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Highlander Season 18

Grand Final

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by 94 (Temporary Difficulties)



3 - 0

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0 - 3

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2 - 0

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France MONKEY MODE: Middies In Paris vs Russia Temporary Difficulties
6 - 3

SteamID Screenshots: A


MONKEY MODE: Middies In Paris (9) extrasolar, Astro, ojwonder, DelT, TK_, Teroantero, WiLLmaTiC, mad, Qohen
Temporary Difficulties (9) Porter_merc, Hentai Emergency, WalkeR1337, empty, Imortist, Dr.Oetker, CHyCMyMPuK, Emperor_Protect, 94


  1. ETF2L Staff said:

    Welcome to the Highlander Season 18 Mid Grand Finals!

    This match will be played as a best-of-three.

    Maps will be decided using the following Map Elimination System:

    Both teams need to agree on who eliminates first. If the two teams cannot agree, they need to perform a heavy fist fight. The winner of this heavy fist fight can decide if he wants to start of if the other team should.
    Team A bans a map
    Team B bans a map
    Team B picks a map
    Team A picks a map
    Team A bans a map
    Team B bans a map
    The remaining map is the decider map.

    Good luck for both teams!

  2. Qohen: ranch said:

    maps are: warmtic, product and badwater

  3. Celreo: TC: Ox - TC said:

    default merc: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/110565/

  4. Qohen: ranch said:

    shut up


    bez pobedi ne vozvrashaites!

  6. James said:


  7. Spoon1337 said:

    bez pobedi ne vozvrashaites!

  8. voilio: UMNIKUM said:

    Lenya napryagi svoy ass

  9. magistr: Nein said:

    go russians

  10. funt1k: CSPB said:

    Если проиграете макалей калкин умрет

  11. Blanc: 43 said:

    Go russians

  12. HBFS said:

    Qohen got this

  13. daga said:

    easy for my friends at MONKEY MODE Under 18

  14. supra: (Webmaster) - BIRD - BIRD said:

    smoothie to pound

  15. TK_: MILKY said:


  16. TK_: MILKY said:

    Qohen will be throooowing

  17. Qohen: ranch said:

    TK_: ? – CHIMPU18 said:
    Today, 17:07

    Qohen will be throooowing

  18. DelT: 124 said:

    Qohen throws… as always :)

  19. GR1M: inS said:


  20. Citrus said:

    bez pobedi ne vozvrashaites!

  21. Greasy Owen said:

    Easy for the Monkeys

  22. Hannes: ..d1ck said:

    Oh no it was the SPY!!!! all along!

  23. trum said:

    mad ha ezt elveszted akkor kiégek…

  24. Dinosauer: CBT - BLINI said:

    bez pobedi ne vozvrashaites!

  25. James said:


  26. Jazz: L38 said:

    any casts?

  27. Fridge :]: OCHOBA said:

    bez pobedi ne vozvrashaites!

  28. proky: G said:

    casted on twitch.tv/prokytf with people

  29. Smoothie said:

    shouldnt be too hard, gl

  30. stockmod: THICC said:

    we request qohen’s demo

  31. Josh: LEGEND said:

    Jim Vickers wins these

  32. Liko: ︻芫═一☺ - buud$cult said:

    u got finessed by mee
    cos im a sphee

  33. James said:


  34. DelT: 124 said:


  35. TK_: MILKY said:


  36. mad said:


  37. ojwonder said:


  38. WiLLmaTiC: dq8uhztftd said:


  39. Teroantero: TBA said:


  40. Qohen: ranch said:


  41. Astro said:


  42. nagle: ..d1ck - pog said:

    go pedro

  43. ojwonder said:


  44. TK_: MILKY said:


  45. DelT: 124 said:

    *backstabbed* I never really was on your side

  46. Qohen: ranch said:


  47. ojwonder said:

    *backstabbed* I never really was on your side

  48. WiLLmaTiC: dq8uhztftd said:


  49. Zush: kiti said:

    ez for russians

  50. DelT: 124 said:


  51. DelT: 124 said:


  52. ojwonder said:

    gg was good fun

  53. Qohen: ranch said:


  54. Blanc: 43 said:


  55. hondjo: WEED said:

    *taps le watch*

  56. Celreo: TC: Ox - TC said:

    i win

  57. TK_: MILKY said:

    Qohen was trolling like always, still winning ’em middies

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