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Highlander Season 18

Division 1

Grand Final

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by hondjo (Gaeta eSports : Never-Dying Fire Monkeys)



0 - 2

[Screenshots: A B ]



0 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]

Brazil Gaeta eSports : Never-Dying Fire Monkeys vs Brazil MONKEY MODE
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


MONKEY MODE (9) wildpiggie, junnu, proky, AustinN, trum, CoCoBaer, Cronk, Synrise, Kaper
Gaeta eSports : Never-Dying Fire Monkeys (8) TBourdon, poy, Big Papa MattJ, hondjo, Mankind, Improbs, TimTum, soLo'


  1. ETF2L Staff said:

    Welcome to the Highlander Season 18 Division 1 Grand Final!

    This match will be played as a best-of-three.

    Maps will be decided using the following Map Elimination System:

    Team A bans a map
    Team B bans a map
    Team B picks 1st map
    Team A picks 2nd map
    Gaeta eSports: Mid is ours picks 3rd map

    As the higher seed Gaeta eSports: Mid is ours can decide if they want to begin the pick/ban as “Team A” or if MONKEY MODE have to.

    Good luck to both teams!

  2. Big Papa MattJ: Mq. said:

    badwater, coalplant, upward

  3. HBFS said:

    Gaeta eSports: Prem is ours

  4. AustinN: SC - GRAHAM said:


  5. wildpiggie: YN - Highlander said:


  6. magistr: Nein said:

    Gl Gaeta

  7. cyrax: ADO - FaZe said:

    s32 low week 5 has been restarted

  8. Citrus said:

    Gaeta eSports: Prem is ours

  9. AMP-T: Lugs - buud$cult said:

    Good luck Austin and TimTum

    May the best team win

  10. Rockz: PIG said:

    austin to get 2 wins in a row?

  11. BKTS: UO - GAETARDS said:

    http://etf2l.org/matches/74892/ rematch?

  12. hondjo: WEED said:

    aleskee to spec

  13. Mankind said:


  14. Mankind said:

    last to spec

  15. Mankind said:

    جدة كذا قيتا وبحر

  16. unk1nd.: زب said:

    مانكيند خطيييير

  17. MoreBuckets! said:

    Gaeta esports: prem is ours!

  18. wildpiggie: YN - Highlander said:

    The third world vs The planet of the apes

  19. Mankind said:

    cheaters vs hackers

  20. Big Papa MattJ: Mq. said:


  21. Big Papa MattJ: Mq. said:

    no cast notlikethis

  22. Donuskus said:


  23. wildpiggie: YN - Highlander said:


  24. wildpiggie: YN - Highlander said:


  25. Sprasty: OSW - wL. said:


  26. Fridge :]: OCHOBA said:

    Gaeta esports: prem is ours!

  27. arawn: bio said:

    y a l l a h

  28. Big Papa MattJ: Mq. said:

    to whoever reads this, we’re actively looking for a caster. If you can cast or know someone who can, please add me on steam and I’ll replay asap, thanks a lot o/

  29. Mankind said:

    papa carlos pls help

  30. wildpiggie: YN - Highlander said:

    Jerusalem is the capital of israel

  31. trum said:

    magistr : trum are u proud of playing in the team of sandbaggers?

  32. MoreBuckets! said:

    Wild_Piggie: SHADYR – CHIMP said:
    Today, 21:15

    Jerusalem is the capital of israel

    wise words there

  33. magistr: Nein said:

    Go gaeta gamers

  34. wildpiggie: YN - Highlander said:


  35. Hannes: ..d1ck said:

    Go monkeys!!

  36. 4hp said:

    Let the Gaeta do it. It will make for a better song.

  37. Citrus said:


  38. CoCoBaer: pizza said:


  39. wildpiggie: YN - Highlander said:

    Caluda herege! Traidor da pátria

  40. wildpiggie: YN - Highlander said:

    Deves ser espanhol

  41. hondjo: WEED said:


  42. cyrax: ADO - FaZe said:


  43. Citrus said:

    gl gaeta

  44. samii: myx - SUCK said:

    oo oo a a

  45. redlix: SDCK! said:


  46. Legoras said:

    Where is my stream.

  47. junnu: VNC said:


  48. proky: G said:


  49. AustinN: SC - GRAHAM said:


  50. wildpiggie: YN - Highlander said:


  51. trum said:


  52. CoCoBaer: pizza said:


  53. hondjo: WEED said:

    big ups to monkey mode for using their real names on stream

  54. AlesKee said:


  55. auto: wG - xodijkrgoi said:

    nice official stream INIT

  56. Citrus said:


  57. One-Two: ✓✓✓ - TS said:


  58. cyrax: ADO - FaZe said:


  59. Big Papa MattJ: Mq. said:

    ggs nice div1 team

  60. magistr: Nein said:

    this team of sanbaggers are proud of winning high division with 4 prem players in main roster…
    default decision of sandbaggers to win everyone in div1 and drop a team instead of playing prem

  61. Mankind said:

    ggs nice div1 team

  62. wildpiggie: YN - Highlander said:

    I feel good winning against a mid team

  63. trum said:

    monkeys had a mid soldier on the medic class

  64. wildpiggie: YN - Highlander said:

    ggs nice div1 team

  65. Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ - Lucrosa said:

    imagine sandbagging in div 1 lmao


  66. supra: (Webmaster) - BIRD - BIRD said:


  67. AustinN: SC - GRAHAM said:

    Guess piggie poot is too strong

  68. Citrus said:

    his team of sanbaggers are proud of winning high division with 4 prem players in main roster…
    default decision of sandbaggers to win everyone in div1 and drop a team instead of playing prem

  69. wildpiggie: YN - Highlander said:

    thanks citrus, very cool

  70. Citrus said:

    idk im just copying whatever trash magistr have said

  71. samii: myx - SUCK said:

    gg, simply outperfomed by the better team on the night

  72. trum said:


  73. AlesKee said:

    Aight so, cronk guy has been reported on etf2l and ugc for cheating. He has been on etf2l since 7 years, he just played few games. His profile is full of csgo, quake games ( which is good camouflage for cheater. you know, pro gamer in all games, whats tf2 and gamesens for him? nothing. ) I’m prem sniper and i don’t think im that bad to see player hitting everything on soldier, scout, sniper with no experience at all. His aiming is questionable. I don’t like to report players for cheating but that guy is fishy.

  74. trum said:

    Aight so, cronk guy has been reported on etf2l and ugc for cheating. He has been on etf2l since 7 years, he just played few games. His profile is full of csgo, quake games ( which is good camouflage for cheater. you know, pro gamer in all games, whats tf2 and gamesens for him? nothing. ) I’m prem sniper and i don’t think im that bad to see player hitting everything on soldier, scout, sniper with no experience at all. His aiming is questionable. I don’t like to report players for cheating but that guy is fishy.

  75. wildpiggie: YN - Highlander said:

    How can monkey mode be sanbagger if they lost 3 maps

  76. magistr: Nein said:

    trum from bottom mid solly to top high medic, so cool man!

  77. samii: myx - SUCK said:

    Trum Prem 3rd before d1 winner

  78. Big Papa MattJ: Mq. said:

    Aight so, cronk guy has been reported on etf2l and ugc for cheating. He has been on etf2l since 7 years, he just played few games. His profile is full of csgo, quake games ( which is good camouflage for cheater. you know, pro gamer in all games, whats tf2 and gamesens for him? nothing. ) I’m prem sniper and i don’t think im that bad to see player hitting everything on soldier, scout, sniper with no experience at all. His aiming is questionable. I don’t like to report players for cheating but that guy is fishy.

  79. trum said:

    magistr : trum are u proud of playing in the team of sandbaggers?

    magistr from BAD DRAGON : wow so skilled brainless

  80. Liko: ︻芫═一☺ - buud$cult said:

    Aight so, cronk guy has been reported on etf2l and ugc for cheating. He has been on etf2l since 7 years, he just played few games. His profile is full of csgo, quake games ( which is good camouflage for cheater. you know, pro gamer in all games, whats tf2 and gamesens for him? nothing. ) I’m prem sniper and i don’t think im that bad to see player hitting everything on soldier, scout, sniper with no experience at all. His aiming is questionable. I don’t like to report players for cheating but that guy is fishy.

  81. HBFS said:

    Fucking chimpanzees are too strong. Coco was insane on coalplant.

  82. CoCoBaer: pizza said:

    yee, koth is fun :D

  83. Big Papa MattJ: Mq. said:

    10/10 facestab on coalplant, farded shidded nudded

  84. Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ - Lucrosa said:


  85. 4hp said:

    gg wp, coco/synrise/piggie are tanks and I didn’t know much about kaper but he nutted too. Don’t buy into the sandbagging talk

    @piggie ainda estás com a neura? eu torço pelos gaeta porque são bons tipos e jogamos com eles imensas vezes. bom jogo hoje.

  86. wildpiggie: YN - Highlander said:

    @4hp Um bom português torce pelos seu compatriotas e não pelos muçulmanos bárbaros

  87. Big Papa MattJ: Mq. said:

    @cronk who is this sexyboi and how do I get his nudes

  88. Blanc: 43 said:

    Aight so, cronk guy has been reported on etf2l and ugc for cheating. He has been on etf2l since 7 years, he just played few games. His profile is full of csgo, quake games ( which is good camouflage for cheater. you know, pro gamer in all games, whats tf2 and gamesens for him? nothing. ) I’m prem sniper and i don’t think im that bad to see player hitting everything on soldier, scout, sniper with no experience at all. His aiming is questionable. I don’t like to report players for cheating but that guy is fishy.

  89. Qohen: ranch said:

    Aight so, cronk guy has been reported on etf2l and ugc for cheating. He has been on etf2l since 7 years, he just played few games. His profile is full of csgo, quake games ( which is good camouflage for cheater. you know, pro gamer in all games, whats tf2 and gamesens for him? nothing. ) I’m prem sniper and i don’t think im that bad to see player hitting everything on soldier, scout, sniper with no experience at all. His aiming is questionable. I don’t like to report players for cheating but that guy is fishy.

  90. Blanc: 43 said:

    this team of sanbaggers are proud of winning high division with 4 prem players in main roster…
    default decision of sandbaggers to win everyone in div1 and drop a team instead of playing prem

  91. Strno said:

    Aight so, cronk guy has been reported on etf2l and ugc for cheating. He has been on etf2l since 7 years, he just played few games. His profile is full of csgo, quake games ( which is good camouflage for cheater. you know, pro gamer in all games, whats tf2 and gamesens for him? nothing. ) I’m prem sniper and i don’t think im that bad to see player hitting everything on soldier, scout, sniper with no experience at all. His aiming is questionable. I don’t like to report players for cheating but that guy is fishy.

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