Season 3
Division 4d
Week 8
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

1 - 10
[Screenshots: N\A ]

0 - 8
[Screenshots: N\A ]
- unbindAll [Minor] Missing / Wrong Status Screenshot
- Incoming [Minor] Missing / Wrong Status Screenshot
- Incoming [Major] Flaming
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Hey guys,
IP:, password: pcw
hello guys! I’d like to request a demo from ur demoman. I think it was Pax.
Thank you.
Hello there,
No prob i will upload it asap.
I cant upload score cause it need status screenshots, but i forgot to take it, here is the two screens of the scores :
Map 1 : ( incoming serv )
Map 2 : ( ua serv )
Nice match btw,
GG !
Team “Incoming” is getting a Major Warning for flaming. See lines from Server Log below:
“SooN.Typh0n<102>” say “hey noob random player”
10/26/2008 – 21:25:47: “Flabouille – Apotre de dieu<103>” say “ARE U FUCKING STUPID ?”” say “NO FLAME ? UR TOO STUPID SRYSRYSRY”” say “and ur mother fail at ur birth”
10/26/2008 – 21:26:20: “Flabouille – Apotre de dieu<103>
10/26/2008 – 21:27:46: “Flabouille – Apotre de dieu<103>
L 10/26/2008 – 22:38:35: “SooN.Pomme<115>” say “eat my ballz”” say “he is unbrain”” say “cry m0re”” say “cry me a river plz”” say “u’r just stupid”” say “hey mate stfu”
L 10/26/2008 – 22:38:43: “PaX<110>
L 10/26/2008 – 22:38:21: “SooN.Typh0n<116>
L 10/26/2008 – 22:38:31: “Flo<113>
L 10/26/2008 – 22:39:16: “SooN.Pomme<115>
L 10/26/2008 – 22:39:24: “ЯEDEMPTOR<112>
man these guys said much worse to my clan mates and me
wish I had thought to get them a major warning too ! :P
that’s more than cheeky … thats a lie. I saved server logs … and will give it to admins on demand.
Hello there, YES it was flaming.
But this log is just like shit cause u only give our sentences.
Here the background is :
For the imperox , ppl with no fair play and more, hypocrite : they said : “yes ringer, no prob”, 1H b4 the match ” no you cant have merc :) ” . So we had to play with 5. Nice.
Ppl need to use this manipulation are just bad, and non fairplay, i dont know why u play in league cause ur just useless … All the more i dont understand why you are talking here.
Nice quoting, but again i replace the background :
1 of our player cant connect to the serv and they didnt want to change , or try another serv ( i proposed our or another one, an etf2l official one ) and they didnt want until 20 or 30 minutes + … It seemed to be like we just want to cheat, forfeit or idk what. So with patience at the beginning, and flaming at the end cause they didnt want to understand one word.
I’m not happy cause every ppl only see one side of the problem , and im more and more sad cause i saw that : ” L 10/26/2008 – 22:38:43: “PaX” say “he is unbrain” ” , this quote is perfect for see the problem, i was talking to a mate when i said this, never to my opponent.
PaX : hello
uA.GmAn : hi
pck.`socar s’est connecté
PaX : we have a problem with 1 of our player, he cant join the serv
uA.f0x s’est connecté
uA.GmAn : why not?
PaX : it automatically crash his system
PaX : idk
PaX : can we try our server plz ?
uA.Ðagg??l^ : no!
uA.GmAn : our server is fine
PaX : why ? :/
uA.GmAn : hm
PaX : or try another server
uA.GmAn : ETF2L ( – Official League Config loaded (Version Date: 25.07.08) – Good Luck & Have Fun!
uA.focus killed pck.`socar with scattergun.
uA.GmAn : what does it say in console?
PaX : what the link witfh the exec :/
PaX : his game crash and dont see nothing with the console”
That is the origin of the problem.
The real problem is not we have a warning, its shit to see the oponent have nothing, because they used bad things like lies ( imperox ) and hiding the real problem ( uA ).
So yes it was flaming, and u deserve it.
And i’m happy to see how you made victim , but you and me know where the reality is.
So yes it was flaming, and u deserve it.
above quote from these guys say it all tbh
they have no idea how communicate or interact with other clans.
I still have the demo from the match we played v these guys where they do abuse us(only watched first 2 mins of first map to check) and if the admins want it they are more than welcome to it.
No no no and no, again , no.
We never flame a team cause we want it , again there is some reasons to do this. I know its not the best way to comunicate but at a certain point, it’s just necessary. When the opponent use some pervert strategy to make an easywin. Again , imperox, like 2 day before the match : ” yes u can have a merc it will be ok :) ” , and 1 HOUR BEFORE THE WAR, JUST 1 H , imperox said ” no u cant have merc cause our 45th leader said no , sorry :) ” and you didnt want to reschedule the match or nothing and all the more we cant use the wildcard cause u said it 1h b4 the match, again thx, u just need an easy win and nothing more … Nice strat ;)
I’m sorry but we are in the etf2l here, we play for play isn’t it ? And see teams refusing ringer, or change the date, change the serv are just non fair-play. I’m sad cause again u refute all the things and made victims but , again, in a problem, there is two faces.
We flamed cause u are non fairplay and just think about easy-win , and i dont understand why some teams think like that. If you fear about lose, don’t do any league next time.
looks like no one needs to watch the demo’s I have as these guys readily admit they abused Imperox in addition to UA.
and they even try to justify it with their warped version of events that no one is really interested in, these guys are really a sorry bunch who need to learn some respect and manners towards their fellow clans.
i really think its about time an admin stepped in and had a word with these guys, i tell you this much i will never play against these guys ever again without an unconditional apology and i hope other clans will take the same stance .
their behaviour is totally unacceptable and seems they feel they will get away with their behaviour too as they readily admit abusing clans in the comments above and feel that no one is going to say anything anything about it.
some quotes from above
We never flame a team cause we want it
We flamed cause u are non fairplay and just think about easy-win
Hello there, YES it was flaming.
So yes it was flaming, and u deserve it.
nuff said ?
Again :
We flamed cause u are non fairplay and just think about easy-win , and i dont understand why some teams think like that. If you fear about lose, don’t do any league next time.
nuff said ?
I have apologized at the end of the match against uA for my mates crossed over the limit , but with you ( imperox ) , we dont have to apologize cause as i said before, ur pervert strategy was just bad.
ok demos of the matches we played v these guys was requested, should be uploaded shortly
I don’t know the situation between Incoming and Imperox, but none the less… Never should you flame your opponents, no matter how ignorant they are… What do you gain of it? Nothing… We wanted to play on our server, at least our map… Wich you declined, but you had attitudes the minute you joined the server…
And comments like: \\” L 10/26/2008 – 22:38:43: “PaX” say “he is unbrain”, this quote is perfect for seeing the problem, I was talking to a mate when I said this, never to my opponent.// It’s very easy to say this after the facts… You were flaming us, and very much pointed at us, not at your own teammates… I never heard you say you were sorry… And even if you did, it was AFTER the match… Maybe when we all left the server… My teammates were pissed off, because even if we lose, not matter how hard, we are always looking for a nice, chilled game… We don’t take flaming lightly, and neither should the leagues… Incoming doesn’t belong in any leagues with this sort of behaviour… And I’m sure we’re not the only clans that had been victimized…
My 2 cents…
Nan, i said this sentence just after one of my mates flames u, i have the demo, i saw it again this afternoon and i can confirm it again.
For this sentence and the apologize ;
I can prove this with the record gatman, :) but u was so hurry to leave ur serv after 6:0 …
And again, we have wanted to change server cause one of our player cant join it …
Point is you flamed us, and you didn’t deny it… I don’t care if we lost 0-1, 0-6 or 0-20… That’s irrelevant. And the reason why I left so soon was because it was late, and I get up very early to go to work (5.30 AM).
Fact is you and your teammates crossed a line, not just with us, but with other clans aswell… What’s even worse is, you don’t seem to think you’re wrong, as you said you wouldn’t appologize to Imperox because you said they deserved it… No one deserves to get flamed, or cursed out…
hello pax,
i’m still waiting for the recorded demo. Could you upload it for me?
thank you
Hi, first i would like to say that we apologize to you because indeed we are wrong, flame is not a solution to protest against anything.
Then concerning Imperox, they stole a victory but anyway now it doesn’t matter we lost and we took warnings (which we deserved that’s obvious).
Pax is uploading demos so don’t worry, again sorry.
oh well i guess the admins aren’t going to act on this, if nothing else though there is a very good indicator to the attitude of these guys above, I guess they will find it quite a bit harder to be abusive to other clans and get away with it next season? o_0