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Season 32


Week 4

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by coyo (tiesje121 fanclub)



1 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]



1 - 2

[Screenshots: A ]

Serbia Spy Boys vs Netherlands tiesje121 fanclub
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


tiesje121 fanclub (6) Unrav, coyo, Lokko, balder, Zip, Admiral
Spy Boys (6) Biohazard, Deki, Elsbeth, Temp, lgl, Dwapking


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Wednesday, 20 February 2019, 20:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. DuMmTm: TFTV - COGU said:

    I’ve seen deki lose these

  3. DuMmTm: TFTV - COGU said:

    i wanna retract my previous statement as my friend deki is currently very sick and might not make it so i dont want these to be my last words to him, we love you deki and support you every step of the way, even if that means you walk into scouts on mid

  4. Lokko: -ƒ$-BLAH said:

    Me, coyo and admiral lose these http://etf2l.org/matches/74326/

  5. coyo said:

    ur cut for troy btw lokko

  6. Lokko: -ƒ$-BLAH said:


  7. Deki: woofwoof - COGU said:

    can we play ordinance again and call it a day

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