Season 3
Division 4e
Week 6
Not Scheduled
Results submitted:
by Hydro-Dharma (PBP Poney)

1 - 4
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0 - 15
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PBP Poney
eQuiD Multigaming
0 - 6
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Hello, Is it ok for U to play our war wednesday 01/10 @ 21:00 CET ??
yes… i guess it could be ok..?
isnt it a bit too early? I mean we still have to play the matches in week 2 after all.
well usually we play at that time or half-hour later so it should be ok
It’s maybe earlier to ask a date but we don’t play only on ETF2L, we play on other leagues in the same time.
So, erlier the dates are locked and less is the risk to make changes between differents leagues an opponents on our calendar ;)
So i lock the date on our calendar with a note “could be OK” on it.
I’m waiting your confirmation in the next weeks ( We will play on week 6 so U have time to confirm^^ )
GL & HF for your all next wars before ours ;)
Hello, it’s time to confirm the date of our match, cos the others days of next week are allready locked for others league.
Still Ok to play our war wednesday 01/10 @ 21:00 CET like previewsly negociated?? ;)
Ok about 01/10, but can we play @ 21.30? :)
Ok to play 01/10 @ 21.30 Cya ;)