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Season 31: Open Playoffs

Grand Finals

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Canlock (Champions)



1 - 2

[Screenshots: A ]



1 - 2

[Screenshots: A ]

Russia deathmachine+5 vs Poland Champions
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A B C


Champions (6) MatZer, Top, jeven99, Canlock, Cak3, Greyhunter
deathmachine+5 (6) gunguyemo832, Slayman_4ever, N0Name, danissimo, lmg, Vorobey



  1. ETF2L Staff said:

    Welcome to the Season 31 Open Grand Finals!

    This match will be played as a best-of-three.

    Maps will be decided using the following Map Elimination System:

    Both teams need to agree on who eliminates first. If the two teams cannot agree, they need to perform a heavy fist fight. The winner of this heavy fist fight can decide if he wants to start of if the other team should.
    Team A bans a map
    Team B bans a map
    Team B picks a map
    Team A picks a map
    Team A bans a map
    Team B bans a map
    The remaining map is the decider map.

    Teams should also keep in mind that the maximum merc limit is reduced to 1 for all Grand Finals, even if teams allow 2 mercs or more.

    Good luck for both teams!

  2. lmg: dm+5 said:

    Alright, since mr jeves ignores us, i’ll just post the date that we want to play on here :

    Friday 19 CET or 19:30 CET

  3. lmg: dm+5 said:

    And if mr jeves doesn’t mind, we would like to be team A, in this matter.

  4. jeven99 said:

    shut the fuck up

  5. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Friday, 30 November 2018, 19:30
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  6. samii: myx - ONCE said:

    Prepare to get ur asses fisted blyats

  7. BlueBucket said:

    beat the commies back to the 1950s

  8. MatZer said:


  9. juup: LTS said:

    if ruskis win ur sleeping on the couch

  10. PenDraGon said:

    Поляки сосать, русские богатыри победят! Долбаебы сверху не шарят

  11. lmg: dm+5 said:

    mr jeves won the heavy fist fight, he gets A map seed

  12. HopelessFerret said:

    Deathmachine+5 to pound

  13. lmg: dm+5 said:

    the RONALDO of open:
    we are team A
    we ban snake

    we ban product
    we pick gullywash

    the RONALDO of open:
    we pick sunshine
    we ban process

    we ban granary

    the RONALDO of open:
    decider is badlands

  14. Meaff: OCHOBA said:

    Русня жги! Мы топим за вас!

  15. Pb said:

    Shoutout to lmg & outsider

  16. noxize: *MUMBLE said:

    dawaj kurwa faceit wygraj!!!1

  17. dabidibam: said:

    reversed polish annexation inc

  18. MatZer said:


  19. DocFlame said:

    ez for matzer

  20. Lond_o_n said:

    Jeves if you loose to the commies USSR will come back.

  21. mamz said:

    Good luck to everyone. Looking forward to this game

  22. Patrick said:

    ez for jeves

  23. LackRish said:

    champions will pound

  24. Tamir said:

    jeves wins these

  25. t4ntrum: 3SB - KAAS said:

    go jeves

  26. Big Papa MattJ: Mq. said:


    Find 2pac on mid for EPIc victory ROLAYLE

  27. Kingorcoc: 11/9 - p9's said:

    allow london i want c this happen

  28. jeven99 said:

    they won’t, they denied mercs with 0 experience and refused to move the time. apart from lmg, they won’t speak to me either

  29. jeven99 said:

    stv connect orage.fakkelbrigade.eu:27020; password s

  30. gemm: doggo said:

    strimed! http://tf.gg/50527/

  31. oddbar said:

    connect fakkelbrigade.eu:27040; password tv

  32. juup: LTS said:

    get fisted

  33. N0Name said:

    g g’s.

  34. qdrama said:

    Hy }{yu’ Ero 3HaeT IIapHu, 3aJIyIIa KaKa9I-To

  35. Canlock said:

    gg gl in next season

  36. samii: myx - ONCE said:

    Lol get rekt noobs

  37. MatZer said:

    GG :)

  38. - said:


  39. juup: LTS said:

    why is ur team name winged hussars but the picture is the Vytis?????

  40. - said:

    because im a retard and the pic said to be a “Winged Hussar Army” so i assumed it was right

  41. jeven99 said:

    milkabadplayer: 16-18 vorobey… its not hightower its a european team fortress 2 league

  42. dabidibam: said:

    do zobaczenia komuchy

  43. danissimo said:

    Well, to be weak enough to change their lineup to players who played in big leagues and divisions…

  44. mlodzier: bydgoszcz said:

    Change their lineup read i got punished from open, Ser just rq team and Ciaba was a merc for one and only game (medic sub so important class) also Grey was playing scout Cak3 Pocket Soldier which he were playing medic in main roster, you cant compare weeks of synergy with really unstable roster condition at this time, even tho good enemies mark my words

  45. danissimo said:

    Dude, taking a player from the Australian League, and a Turk from DIV1 HL already means that you are weak for this League, one way or another we have the same line-up was not always stable

  46. mlodzier: bydgoszcz said:

    Now you are excusing that you were worse later because of canlock addiction? You guys beat even more potential roster but with some changes and then you loose either way imagine that your point is turning back to you also the team was keenest thing i’ve ever seen the guys was doing pretty good job maptalks scrims etc. Pretty bad way to excuse your loss i hoped that you’re much more rational even tho ggs gl next season

  47. danissimo said:

    Dude, you’re making excuses. The more your player “canlock” was banned for aim, I would in your place was silent. You are weak, again failed to win us to their usual lineup

  48. danissimo said:

    But after his unban, isn’t it interesting?

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