Season 3
Division 5a
Week 9
Not Scheduled
Results submitted:
by cheee (Cookiemonstrs)

1 - 1
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0 - 9
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Team epx^
1 - 4
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08:26 – [LoL] cheetah * we will play on week 9 etf2l against each other
08:26 – [LoL] cheetah * can you ask your mates about a good date
08:27 – [LoL] cheetah * we normally play Sundays
08:27 – ep/x^xeno: sure
08:27 – ep/x^xeno: ok
08:27 – [LoL] cheetah * so we would prefer Sunday the 26.oct
08:27 – ep/x^xeno: fair enough
08:28 – [LoL] cheetah * we are your team from?
08:28 – [LoL] cheetah * country?
08:28 – ep/x^xeno: UK
08:28 – ep/x^xeno: we also have 1 greek and 1 Swedish guy in our team who are active
08:29 – [LoL] cheetah * but 20 or 21 cet shouldnt be problem
08:29 – ep/x^xeno: Ok.
08:29 – ep/x^xeno: i’ve gotta go now, sorry
08:29 – ep/x^xeno: I’ll speak to my clan about it
19:54 – [LoL] cheetah * but will you allowed a ringer?
19:54 – [LoL] cheetah * for us?
19:54 – ep/x^xeno: yeah, we might need one anyway
19:54 – ep/x^xeno: so long as we’re both happy they are approrpriate skill levle
19:55 – [LoL] cheetah * np
btw: connect; password sentry
Due to ep/x breaking pause rules, the second round of gravelpit needs to be replayed. Please arrange that asap as the season is almost at its end. Failure to comply by next week will result in a win for cookiemonsters.
Sorry ep/x-team, but as long as we have a small chance to get the relegation we wanna take it.
So we wrote a protest because you rejected our rights to pause the game and waiting for our member to come back. I know I said that he has to go at 22 cet but nevertheless you cant decide that you will play 6vs5 if its against the rule 1.6.15. I didnt know exactly how it works but I think its fair and sportsmanlike to replay the second round of gravelpit.
From my point of knowledge we can play this round best on next Tuesday or Thursday after 20.15 cet, but I have to talk more deeply about the date with my mates first.
Hope you understand our point of view.
best regards cheetah
Hi cheetah,
I must admit I’m surprised by this. We are aware of the pause rules and I think there has been a misunderstanding. I don’t have time now to look at the chat log, but when you paused we were ok with that, it was when you said it would be “ten minutes” we objected. The “no way” comment (which I think came from a!n on our team) meant “that is too long, please be quicker” not “don’t pause at all”.
Having spoken to some of my team about this they agree that this is what we meant, however I can see why you took a different meaning.
As such I feel it is a little unfair that we have to replay the round (and that we now have an official warning from the league!) because we didn’t intend for you to not pause, just to be quicker than ten minutes.
If you still want to uphold the challenge even knowing our point of view then that’s up to you, but I do feel it is unfair as we were trying to play in a good sporting way (even allowing you 2 mercs though we had none in the end, and we feel those 2 mercs made a big difference).
Will chat to you on steam about possible dates for next week if you want to go ahead with the replay.
ps I think you mean promotion not relegation, relegation’s usually a bad thing :p
pps i hope you see there are no hard feelings here despite an unpleasant situation.
Ok, I’ve just watched the demo again and have a few points to make.
1) I can see now why you thought we were saying no to pausing: xeno says “Not really a good time?” and when you say “10 minutes” a!n responds with “no way”. However, obviously it’s hard during the match to communicate properly by typing. However, looking at rule 1.6.15 it says:
“If 1 player of a team drops from the server, the game may be paused at the end of the current round (or when both team’s intelligence is in their base on CTF maps) to allow the player to return. If 2 or more players drop, pausing instantly is allowed.
Pausing will be a maximum of 5 minutes, unless both teams agree to wait longer.”
So actually ten minutes pausing isn’t allowed anyway, and also the pause should wait until the end of the round. As you actually captured C about 30 seconds later with just 5 you weren’t massively disadvantaged, and you could have paused at the beginning of setup and we wouldn’t have minded but you didn’t ask then. We only said no to pausing during the round (and even then we only meant no for ten minutes, we probably would have allowed a shorter pause during the round even though we didn’t have to) and we would definitely have said yes to a pause during setup on our attack which you never asked for.
So, to be honest, I don’t actually see that we broke rule 1.6.15 at all, and we certainly meant everything in a good spirit.
Please let me know what you think, again I’m not trying to cause argument but I would like everything to be fair and this feels quite harsh on us.
Thanks :)
I didnt know exactly the rule 1.6.15, i had the esl-rules in mind.
And I know that is was a nice and fair match from you. Thank you for it.
I’m sorry that you get a warning.
But I’m also very sure, that we would have win the second round, if our player would have started with us at beginning of the defense and not just joined as B was nearly fallen.
And yes its difficult to write in the match, but i couldnt even try, because when i paused, after some sec, you unpaused it.
I will try to talk to you via steam.
ps I think you mean promotion not relegation, relegation’s usually a bad thing :p
and sorry, I thought the German Relegation is the same as the English relegation
and still says so :D
ok, don’t worry about the relegation thing, i know how impressive your english is :p
I agree that you would have done better in the 2nd round with all of your players present from the start, but it is true that we didn’t actually break the rule. You could have paused between attack/defence but you didn’t. There’s probably no point in continuing this discussion here so I will add you on steam now and we’ll work it all out.
Spoke to cheetah via steam. Agreed that there wasn’t a clear rule break by epx and communication between the teams was at fault, but to remove any bad feeling we’ll replay the round next week, possibly tuesday or thursday, with a pcw to follow.
Will confirm the date sunday or monday.
I hope the Admin can remove the small warning from the ep/x team. Because they have a good sportsmanship.
Because of the latest event >> >> there is no need for us to get the two points more, because we cant reach place four anymore. So I will try to cancel the protest and we will accept the result as played last time and there will be no more discussing about it.
I hope the Admin does agree to my suggestion because it makes the thing much easier.