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Season 30 powered by STN-Trading and scrap.tf!: Main Tiers


Week 6

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by oJ (monkey business)



1 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]



1 - 6

[Screenshots: A ]

Sweden bully hunters vs UnitedKingdom monkey business
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


monkey business (6) tiram, Baz, Hannes, Gazy, oJ, z0diack
bully hunters (4) Faisal, inso, Lava, ketem
Unrostered (2) Player, TimTum


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Thursday, 05 July 2018, 20:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. Cyanic: Velo - BRIT said:

    oo oo aa aa

  3. inso: MANDEM - SENS said:

    We’re accepted to merc

  4. inso: MANDEM - SENS said:


  5. inso: MANDEM - SENS said:

    welp rip, we give def win

  6. Hannes: ..d1ck said:

    Your team dead LOL deader than my extra-long member haha!

  7. tiram: VNC - ONCE said:

    8====D = hannes penis (actual size)

  8. oJ: CLARTED - YNWA. said:

    8D = hannes penis (actual size)

  9. Hannes: ..d1ck said:



  10. Hannes: ..d1ck said:

    actual logs (no joke)


  11. Gazy: REMOVE said:

    ………………„-^*” : : „” : : : : *-„
    …………..„-* : : :„„–/ : : : : : : : ‘\
    …………./ : : „-* . .| : : : : : : : : ‘|
    …………/ : „-* . . . | : : : : : : : : |
    …………\„-* . . . . .| : : : : : : : :’|
    …………/ . . . . . . ‘| : : : : : : : :|
    ………./ . . . . . . . .’\ : : : : : : : |
    ……../ . . . . . . . . . .\ : : : : : : :|
    ……./ . . . . . . . . . . . ‘\ : : : : : /
    ……/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . *-„„„„-*’
    ….’/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘|
    …/ . . . . . . . ./ . . . . . . .|
    ../ . . . . . . . .’/ . . . . . . .’|
    ./ . . . . . . . . / . . . . . . .’|
    ‘/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .’|
    ‘| . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . .|
    ‘| . . . . . . \„_^- „ . . . . .’|
    ‘| . . . . . . . . .’\ .\ ./ ‘/ . |
    | .\ . . . . . . . . . \ .” / . ‘|
    | . . . . . . . . . . / .’/ . . .|
    | . . . . . . .| . . / ./ ./ . .|

  12. Hannes: ..d1ck said:

    admin please delete logs i posted at Today, 21:30, it was only a mistake which I myself is very ashamed of. I don’t want to get a ban on the etf2l page community and i definetly dont want you to think that I fixed these screenies to make our team look better which it is (LoL).

    Well fun talking to you admin guy whoever you are but i need to get the fuck out of here now since i have work, WORK like real life stuff? its probably unheard of for some of people in this webpage but. Loloollo. Lolol. Lol


  13. Gazy: REMOVE said:


  14. Divine: (ETF2L Donator) - Wiki said:

    what is happening here

  15. inso: MANDEM - SENS said:

    We played with half a roster and was kind of aids so rip.
    Ggs though hannes Idk why you proud lmao

  16. tiram: VNC - ONCE said:

    Idk why you proud hannes

  17. oJ: CLARTED - YNWA. said:

    hannes climb out of ur own arse pls

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