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Season 30 powered by STN-Trading and scrap.tf!: Main Tiers


Week 2

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

European Aether vs Seychelles Tesco
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


Tesco (6) Teatime, Niro, bluee, Nhaaj, subhuman, disable
Aether (6) mattikus, phyre, GENERAL ZERO, Tupolev, Kouceila, HerpTim


  • Tesco [Minor] Using an unapproved merc


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Thursday, 07 June 2018, 20:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. subhuman said:

    lmao reeee

  3. Tupolev: =Tuyuta$= said:

    ウィアブー: connect kroket.fakkelbrigade.eu:27015; password 123
    ウィアブー: you guys using any mercs?
    Niro.: Nope, im there in 3 minutes

  4. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear teams,

    “AEther” has been awarded a default win since team “Tesco” used an unapproved merc

    1.4 No mercs allowed unless your opponent agrees

    “Mercs” or “ringers” are players that are not on the roster of your team. Teams may not use a merc at any time during a match, unless their opponent agrees. If a team wants to use a merc, they must contact the opponent before the match starts. If the opponent agrees, make sure a log of the agreement is taken and provided in the match comments, together with links to the mercs’ ETF2L profiles. All mercs have to be registered on ETF2L. Using an unregistered or unapproved merc will result in a default loss and a warning for the offending team.


  5. subhuman said:


  6. Bluee: TLR said:

    Reece: I was in the comms
    Reece: told them exactly what to do
    Reece: then u lost
    £3.50 Nhaaj: no IO just think someone with such disrespect does not deserve such placement
    Reece: Disrespect?
    Reece: common courtesy
    Reece: I let you know where you stand
    Reece: Or would you rather me do your style of play

    has someone in their comms telling them how to play the game?

    extremely fair match, having players from higher divs in your comms telling you what to do.


    nice one lads, play us without your “mentor”

  7. Offside: Exp said:

    I’m not in the game, I just had a visual picture in my head. There’s nothing illegal about doing so.

  8. Offside: Exp said:

    Also, They played you without me in there match before and beat you? So i don’t understand the fuss. A mentor is there to help them improve and push through situations. That’s exactly what they did know they know what to do they will take it and improve off what they have learnt so.

  9. Tupolev: =Tuyuta$= said:

    We scrimmed you and demolished you without a mentor. You rq the second map so we didnt get logs smh

  10. Offside: Exp said:

    20:59 – Reece: About mentoring this team, You’re not making the shots who does and who doesn’t
    20:59 – Reece: I was in the comms
    20:59 – Reece: told them exactly what to do
    20:59 – Reece: then u lost
    20:59 – £3.50 Nhaaj: no IO just think someone with such disrespect does not deserve such placement
    20:59 – Reece: Disrespect?
    21:00 – Reece: common courtesy
    21:00 – Reece: I let you know where you stand
    21:00 – Reece: Or would you rather me do your style of play
    21:00 – Reece: ZERO – Today at 20:55
    your shit wins games lmao
    also nhaaj said i should not have you mentor
    21:00 – Reece: talk shit because your back?
    21:00 – Reece: Or? would you rather me be nice and have common courtesty
    21:00 – Reece: Courtesy*
    21:01 – £3.50 Nhaaj: I just think you should have a sense of sportsmanship, I could just as easily approached Zero and shit talked him but I respect him
    21:01 – £3.50 Nhaaj: So I didn’t
    21:01 – Reece: You can’t shit talk him for anything
    21:01 – Reece: You’re at fault here.
    21:02 – Reece: You didn’t check so you’re at fault.

  11. Offside: Exp said:

    Scrims, Don’t mean anything anyway. Scrims are for improving so doesn’t matter if you lose or win. They won the offical 5-1 but you lied about having no mercs. As there team decided to claim a default win because of the lie you told too there face. That’s disrespectful.

  12. Tupolev: =Tuyuta$= said:

    And also the fact that you pause twice without warning and exceed 5 mins when we deny it makes me sick also.

  13. Tupolev: =Tuyuta$= said:

    Steamid picture shows them pausing without warning the first time :/

  14. disable said:

    im not a merc??????????

  15. subhuman said:

    holy fuck what is this cancer above

  16. Tupolev: =Tuyuta$= said:

    You were a merc, you werent verified so it counted as you not being on the roster.

  17. subhuman said:

    ok so point is
    it’s allowed to have a higher div player in official in your comms
    and we lost cuz we didn’t use our chance of having the “in game comms mentor”
    with that being said,thanks for the fair game gamers :)

  18. Tupolev: =Tuyuta$= said:

    He came at the last 5 mins. And he wasnt in the server so…

  19. Tupolev: =Tuyuta$= said:

    *Gully was rq*
    We beat you fair and square in a scrim so you saying this xd.
    Bluee: Tesco said:
    Yesterday, 22:03

    Reece: I was in the comms
    Reece: told them exactly what to do
    Reece: then u lost
    £3.50 Nhaaj: no IO just think someone with such disrespect does not deserve such placement
    Reece: Disrespect?
    Reece: common courtesy
    Reece: I let you know where you stand
    Reece: Or would you rather me do your style of play

    has someone in their comms telling them how to play the game?

    extremely fair match, having players from higher divs in your comms telling you what to do.


    nice one lads, play us without your “mentor”

  20. Offside: Exp said:

    So, i joined after i finished my scrims? I’m a mentor that’s my job to help them. Again you’re being rude to the fact i wasn’t in the game. There was no ” Tactical ” advantage. Just my mind painting a map. Also about ” Playing you without your mentor ” they did that and you lost. Then refused to play a second map

  21. Blanc: 43 said:

    Open drama is my entertainment

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