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Season 30 powered by STN-Trading and scrap.tf!: Top Tiers

Division 1A

Week 4

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

England Quaint Gaming vs Seychelles Third Eye
6 - 0


  1. Collaide said:

    Due to 2 of our players missing the entire week, we would like to play this the week before or the week after.

  2. Collaide said:

    Our opponents denied us this. We will look for mercs until the official and if none are found we will probably give default.

  3. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Thursday, 21 June 2018, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  4. Doughy: BIG - BRIT said:

    played earlier this week… default hunting out of fear? http://logs.tf/2046171

  5. Sprite said:


  6. Doughy: BIG - BRIT said:

    denied mercs… fear?

  7. Collaide said:

    Charlie you’re actually pathetic

  8. Charlie said:


  9. Charlie said:


  10. MERPY: GHOST said:

    charlie stop snorting viagra allow these mans mercs. dont do my man junnu like this

  11. Doughy: BIG - BRIT said:

    “Crunge Charle”

  12. Charlie said:

    Are you gonna ask for another Merc? If they’re not a straight upgrade like the ONLY one you’ve asked for so far well probably accept..

  13. junnu: VNC said:

    giving default

    shame to see such bad sportsmanship at this level, very disappointing

  14. sicko: CSG.DEJI said:


  15. Charlie said:

    junnu. you asked for 1 merc whos way better than your main. you can stop this now x

  16. hai: VNC said:


  17. junnu: VNC said:

    nas boii is not way better than cricket

  18. junnu: VNC said:

    nas is better but he isnt insanely better than cricket

  19. Klassy: wG - gandhi is said:


  20. Collaide said:

    Charlie was playing dumb. He “forgot” that me and koling (the maincalling pocket, and the roamer) were not present. I told him this and that why I wanted to move the official in the first place. Now he pretends we all can play but nas boii would have been on demo instead of cricket which is just a blatant lie. We would literally have to had switched Cricket to soldier and used a 2nd merc or one of our subs/roster riders on etf2l.

    In other words, the roster would have been 3 players different with no proper maincaller.

    I don’t know why you needed to act as if we’re getting an upgrade. It is certainly a downgrade to not have your maincaller, and to put a demo main on soldier.

  21. Collaide said:

    but done is done, enjoy your 6 points

  22. Charlie said:

    Helo what I’m not playing dumb you asked for one merc and i therefore assumed you had sorted out your situation of missing 3 people

  23. Collaide said:

    “Due to 2 of our players missing the entire week, we would like to play this the week before or the week after.”

    june 6th


  24. Charlie said:

    bro its cardinal we arent gonna scrim that off-week

  25. Collaide said:

    stop moving the goalpost you absolute mongoloid, an option from the very start was to play it the week after, and you declined this as well.

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