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Highlander Season 15: Mid Playoffs

Quarter Final

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by hondjo (Gaeta eSports : Never-Dying Fire Monkeys)



2 - 0

[Screenshots: A B ]



3 - 2

[Screenshots: A B C ]

Brazil Gaeta eSports : Never-Dying Fire Monkeys vs International Loyal Liquid Lovers
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A B


Loyal Liquid Lovers (8) smrk, Quaddeln, Vinni, WhispersFW, Sinobi, TheMasterOfDisaster, Dj Assassin, BrannMolvik Norway
Gaeta eSports : Never-Dying Fire Monkeys (9) TBourdon, poy, Big Papa MattJ, hondjo, vocey, maaaahmoud, Mankind, Adda, soLo'
Unrostered (1) Superiumentarius


  1. ETF2L Staff said:

    Welcome to Highlander Season 15 Mid Quarter Finals

    This match will be played as a best-of-three, all stopwatch maps will be played as best-of-three as usual.

    Maps will be decided using the following Map Elimination System:

    Team A bans a map
    Team B bans a map
    Team B picks 1st map
    Team A picks 2nd map
    Divided Assembly picks 3rd map

    As the higher seed Divided Assembly can decide if they want to begin the pick/ban as “Team A” or if Loyal Liquid Lovers have to.

    If you have any questions make sure to contact the admins as soon as possible.

    Good luck for both teams!

  2. yusef: pen15 said:

    ez 4 solo

  3. scar: /ff said:

    go poy spinny boi

  4. Big Papa MattJ: Mq. said:

    Matt from gaeta eSports: we wanna B team B

  5. Quaddeln: GMsU said:

    we eliminate gullywash

  6. Quaddeln: GMsU said:

    22:19 – Quaddeln: we ban gully
    22:19 – Matt from gaeta eSports: we ban steel
    22:19 – Matt from gaeta eSports: pick upward
    22:20 – Quaddeln: we pick r
    22:20 – Quaddeln: rip xD
    22:20 – Quaddeln: we pick warmtic

  7. Quaddeln: GMsU said:

    22:22 – Matt from gaeta eSports: decider badwater

  8. stexer: KKK said:

    matt wins these and goes for the gold

  9. mental: 46DPM - DORF said:

    will be streamed @ twitch.tv/mental_tf2

  10. sun said:

    poyboy to strike again

  11. Quaddeln: GMsU said:

    our default merc for tonight:

  12. Quaddeln: GMsU said:

    we changed our mind for the default merc:

  13. Magicbeans said:

    ha gotem

  14. smrk: 0FO said:


  15. Mankind said:


  16. mental: 46DPM - DORF said:

    https://www.twitch.tv/videos/254771001 vod of the game, was a pleasure to cast!

  17. Big Papa MattJ: Mq. said:

    Screenshots for warmtic are only those for our comeback, but its a 3-2
    I hope chat enjoyed my beefstabs
    it was a great game, gg gamers :D
    logs: http://logs.tf/2012516

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