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Season 29: Mid Playoffs


Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

Brazil #BIGBOYSEASON vs UnitedKingdom :Blinky:
6 - 0


  1. ETF2L Staff said:

    Welcome to the Season 29 Mid Semi-Finals!

    This match will be played as a best-of-three.

    Maps will be decided using the following Map Elimination System:

    Team A bans a map
    Team B bans a map
    Team B picks 1st map
    Team A picks 2nd map
    #BIGBOYSEASON picks 3rd map

    As the higher seed #BIGBOYSEASON can decide if they want to begin the pick/ban as “Team A” or if Jackkai-Esports have to.

    Good luck for both teams!

  2. polis said:

    good luck!

  3. Leila: :3 - :Blinky: said:

    o5.Joen ツ: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/2633/
    jordan: I assume he would be on solly right?
    o5.Joen ツ: yes
    o5.Joen ツ: he hasnt played a full season
    o5.Joen ツ: so
    jordan: Yeah, I’ll just ask my team he should be fine tho
    o5.Joen ツ: ok
    jordan: Did u need any more?
    o5.Joen ツ: a scout
    jordan: Oki
    jordan: Oki
    jordan is now Online.
    jordan: yeah he’s fine if you allow both http://etf2l.org/forum/user/109753/ and http://etf2l.org/forum/user/114504/ to be our backup gamers incase toemas or someone else lags out (we’ve got very unstable gamers)
    o5.Joen ツ: thats fine
    jordan: aight sweet
    o5.Joen ツ: can we use http://etf2l.org/forum/user/95442/
    o5.Joen ツ: jordan : we allow that boy

  4. Copper said:

    dont want to admit it but hamaham winning this

  5. seeds: xodijkrgoi said:

    go big boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Foz: (ETF2L Donator) - 124 - -Xe- said:

    big boy UNLEASH

  7. AustinN: SC - GRAHAM said:

    Ez 4 ViablePigeon447

  8. miknando: myx said:


  9. Jordy: TEMU said:

    thats a big rip

  10. toemas_: wG said:

    g of the game

  11. miknando: myx said:

    for sure, good luck with the remaining games though

  12. aph: BIG said:


  13. miknando: myx said:

    also to clarify we were missing 4players in total

  14. hamaham: $WIZARD - doge said:

    ARGH the game i’m finally gonna be allowed to play and they default >:/

  15. miknando: myx said:

    ikr, would have played if 4mercs was an option :p

  16. hamaham: $WIZARD - doge said:

    ya it happens unlucky

  17. mak FP: BIG said:

    Unfortunate about scheduling, best of luck in whatever next move for your team is.

  18. Leila: :3 - :Blinky: said:

    easter lan schedule did not let us play

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